Batboys x reader (4K special)

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Thanks to DaKawaiiSenpai for the request, and thank you everyone for 4K 😘

On with the story!

You sat in the hospital waiting room, staring at your leg, which as of 10 minutes ago now has a Y/Fc cast on it.
You wriggled your toes that were sticking out of the end of it and sighed.

You fought crime as a vigilante yet your break your leg by falling out of a tree while trying to save a cat. Great.

You had called a taxi to take you to the hospital but now you were stuck there. It was around 8:30 in the evening, and you had no choice but to call the boys.

You shuddered at the thought. It's not that you didn't love them, you did with all your heart. The fact was they could get annoyingly protective in their own way, to the point where you tell Alfred to get them to stop bothering you.

You sighed again as you pulled your phone out of your pocket and looked at Dick's contact information, debating if he was the best brother to call.

Fudge it, you thought as you put the phone to your ear.

"Hey Y/nn what's up?"
"Hey Dick, can you come and pick me up please?"
"Sure thing! Where are you?"
"That's the problem... I'm kinda at the hospital. "
"...okay sure i'll be there in-WHY THE HELL ARE YOU AT THE HOSPITAL?"
"I sorta broke my leg. "
"You WHAT?!"
"Look, I'll tell you later, just hurry up. "
"Just stay there. I'm coming to get you."

You put your phone down and ran your hands through your hair. This was going to be hard to explain.

17 minutes later...

Dick ran into the hospital with Jason and Tim hot on his heels. He looked around frantically and spotted Y/n in the corner on her phone, with a cast on her leg.

He ran over and immediately hugged her tightly.
"Dick, im fine" she said, pushing him off her.
"What happened?"
"Who did this?"
"Who do I need to decapitate?"
"Oh this guy is gonna wish he was never born."

They all babbled at once.

"Guys! I'm fine ok! Can we just go home?" She hissed.

"Okay. But first you tell us hat the hell happened. " Jason said sternly, crossing his arms across his chest.

"I fell out of a tree..." She mumbled quietly.

"What?" Tim asked.

"I fell out of a tree, ok?" She said a little louder.

The boys looked at her questioning and were silent for a moment, before the burst out laughing.

She pouted as her brothers were crying with laughter.

"Ha ha, hilarious. Can we go now please? I need some fooooood. " she whined.

" okay, let's go. " Dick said as he scooped her up in his arms and carried her to the car, with Tim following and Jason carrying her crutches.

"Dick, what are you doing?" She said, smacking his chest.

"Do you have use of both legs?"
"No. "
"Can you walk?"
"No. "
"Do you need carrying to the car?"
"Yes. " she mumbled sheepishly as they reached the car.

Time skip-

Damian placed his folded up Robin uniform in its draw, along with several others, each one folded neatly.

He saw his father typing in the batcomputer, before he turned off the computer and rubbing his eyes. He had already changed out of his uniform and was wearing a black shirt and grey sweatpants, while Damian wore black sweatpants and a black shirt.

They made their way upstairs when they heard the door to the manor open. They both shared a glance as they knew they weren't expecting any visitors at this time of night (which was technically morning).

"Ok! You can stop now!"
"No, I can't! Look, let's just get you to sleep. "
"Ahem! There appears to be about 60 steps between me and my bed!"
"Well that's why I'm carrying to then!"

They gave eachother confused looks as they exited the library and came to the foorway to find the three boys attempting to carry Y/n up the stairs.

Dick and Jason were holding her arms while Tim was holding her legs up, and one foot was encased in a cast.

The four froze and looked at Bruce and Damian. "Ummmm... I can explain..."
Y/n said.

"Start talking. " Bruce said sternly.
"I-I broke my leg. " she answered.
"How?!" Damian yelled.
"Calm down! It's was an accident!"
"What happened. " Bruce growled.

"I fell out of a tree" she said quietly.

"You fell out of a tree..." Damian repeated slowly.

"Yeah. " she said as she look down to her leg.

"Your staying here until you're better. Now go get some rest, you look like you need it. " Bruce ordered.

The boys nodded and continued to carry her up the stairs.

"What an idiot. " Damian mumbled.

"Yes, but unfortunately she's our idiot."

Yaaaaas again thanks for 4K!

Sorry this was so late. I blame BTS. The comeback has ruined my life.

Keep liking and commenting!

James ✌🏻️

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