Tim Drake x reader

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A/n- trying a new perspective here. Bear with if its crap.

Y/n walked into Wayne manor and pulled off her jacket an making her way upstairs. It was late and she had been with Callum.

Callum had been your friends since you were kids, and you were helping him with some money troubles. He was fairly well know on the streets as he was a gambler. They call him the spider, because his favourite game is spider solitaire. Since you were incredibly smart you knew the law and banking pretty well, you decided to help him sort out his gambling debts.

She quietly made her way up to her room and turned on the lights. She turned around to see her boyfriend, Tim sitting on the bed waiting for her.

" TIM! You scared me!" She said.
"Care to explain what you are doing out alone at this time?" He asked. She couldn't tell if he was irritated or worried.
"I was with Callum." She muttered as she walked into the room and threw her jacket in the wardrobe.
"I don't like him Y/n. He's using you."
"Tim, relax. I can take care of myself."
"I don't trust him."
"Whatever. I'm going to bed." She said as she walked out of the room.

It had been a few weeks and Y/n was still helping Callum. Tim had become increasing annoyed with her and they had more arguments than ever before.

"I just want to keep you safe! He's a bad guy" he yelled back.
"No! You just don't trust him! Or anyone! OR ME! I can take care of myself!" she screamed.
"Oh really? Is that why Red Robin always has to come and save you?" He asked.

She was silent. It was true, some guys had tried to have their way with her in an alley before. If it wasn't for Tim and Bruce they would have. Tim had agreed never to mention it again to her.

Tim's eyes widened as he realised his mistake.

"Y/nn, wait! I didn't-"
"DON'T Y/NN ME! GET AWAY FROM ME'" she roared and she stormed down the stairs of the manor and out of the front door, slamming in behind her.

Callum's POV

I was sitting in one of my safe houses counting my winnings when I heard a car pull up outside. Instinctively I stuffed all of the cash into my bag and pulled out my gun. I waited as the intruder got close.

"Cal? It's Y/n. " she said.
I sighed.
"Oh Y/n. It's you. What are you doing here?"
"I can't stay with Tim anymore. He's pissing me off. Can I crash here for a few days? I can finish off your debts!" She said.
"Yeah. Ok. Just don't tell anyone your here. The debts bed to be finished by the end of the week. I have a surprise for you after" I said grinning.
"Ok. Sure. " she said.

Time skip (also Y/n's POV)

After 5 days I was almost done with Callum's accounting. Tim had been texting and calling me about 40 times a day but I ignored him.

"How are you doing? You done yet?" Callum asked me as he walked over to the desk I was sitting at and started to read what was in my laptop screen.
"Yeah, nearly. Last few things.... And done!" I said happily as I sat back in my chair.

"Great! Now here's the surprise I promised you." He said as i felt something cold being pressed against the side of my head.


"Cal?! W-what are you-"
"Shut it. I only needed you for my debts. And you know what they say. No witnesses. "

"W-what are you going to do?" I asked, my voice cracking.

"Oh sweetie. So innocent. I'm going to kill you." He said as he pulled my hands behind me and tied them together.

Tears fell down my face as I realised what was happening. Tim was right. He was just using me and now I was going to die because I was so stubborn. All I wanted now was to apologise to him, but he had no clue where I was. Or that I was about to die.

"Come on. We're leaving." He said as he pulled me to my feet and pressed the gun into my back. He took me outside and threw me into the back seat of his car, before he got into the driver seat and sped off.

Tim's POV

I was sitting in the batcave researching Callum on the batcomputer. He's in some shady business and I need to prove it before y/n gets hurt. He has almost £679000 of debts to various mob bosses.
"TIM!" I heard Dick yell from opposite the cave.

"What is it?" I asked, turning around in my chair as he came running over.

"I was just checking through the traffic cams on another case. You might wanna see this. " he said as he pulled up a traffic camera footage on the batcomputer. On the video it showed Y/n with her hands tied behind her back being thrown into a car by a guy with a gun.

I slammed my fist onto the desk.
"Keep watching. " Dick said.

The guy then turned around as he went to get into the drivers seat. Dick paused the footage so I could see this face.

Callum. The slimy bastard.

Without saying a word I suited up and hopped into my motorbike.

"Wait! You don't even know where she is!" Dick yelled as he ran over.

"I tagged him the first time I met him." I said holding up a minimap with a red blip on it, slowly moving across the country. I put it back in my pocket and revved my engine, speeding off into the night.

No way is he gonna hurt my girl. He's gonna wish he was never born.

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