Dick Grayson x reader

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"But Yyyyyyy/nnnnnnn"
"No Dick!"
"Because I said no!"
"I am NOT playing twister with you Dick!" You yelled.

You and Dick were laying around the manor and he was trying to convince you to play twister with him. You were sat on his bed while he lolled around on the floor.

"But I'm booooored. " he whined.
"No Dick. "
"Pretty please?" He asked sweetly, pouting at you and batting his eyelashes.

You couldn't resist that face.

"Ok fine. " you said as he jumps off the bed and got the twister mat out of his cupboard.

You (and the rest of the batfam) hated playing twister with Dick. 1. Because he always won and 2. It freaked you out to see him him contort himself into positions were shouldn't be physically possible.

He quickly returned and started to set up the twister mat. He stood next to it holding the spinner, beaming at you.

"Ladies first. " he said as he smirked.
You rolled you eyes and spun the spinner.

After 10 minutes of giggling and curse you had somehow ended up with Dick's butt in your face.

"Ok. Your go!" He said happily.
You groaned and spun the spinner.

Not right hand blue, not right hand blue, PLEASE not right hand blue!

"Right hand blue!" He said.


You stretched as far as you could but you still couldn't reach it, eventually you collapsed onto the floor beneath Dick.

"I won!" He laughed happily and jumped off you.
"No fair! How am I supposed to keep up with the acrobat!" You said as Dick helped you up.

He smirked as you stood up.

"Let's play again!" He said jumping up and down.


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