Jason Todd x reader

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animenerd4lifehhhhhh if I'm honest this took so long because I lost your name so had to trail back through my notifications but I fooouuuunnndd yyyoooouuu~

That was creepy sorry

"Places Y/n. Here comes blackmask." Jason's voice crackled over the comms.

Y/n looked over to Jason's position and nodded, as he slipped off behind some large wooden boxes and crates, and    Y/n shimmied herself inside a vent.

It was 2 in the morning and a shipment of weapons was arriving at the docks for blackmask courtesy of Sonja.

Little did he know Sonja didn't actually exist and he was walking into red hood and YH/n's trap.

Blackmask entered alone, as agreed.
"Sonja? Where are you my dear?" He asked the empty air around him.

Jason smirked as blackmask became confused and impatient.
"Sonja? We had a deal!" He yelled.

Jason suddenly then slid out from behind a crate and pointed his handguns at blackmask. "Deals off blackmask." He growled.

To Jason's surprise, he suddenly started laughing. "Do you really think I'm that stupid red hood? I knew it was you." He said, spinning on his heel to face Jason.

"Ooh, nice guns. I see you came prepared. Well the thing is- so did I." He laughed evilly and snapped his fingers, and at least 20 men emerged from the dark corners of the building.

He then heard shouting as two more goons came out from the dark, each holding onto one of Y/n's arms as she shouted death threats at them.

They pulled her to her feet as she looked between Jason and blackmask.

Jason stiffened. "What will it be red hood? Me or her?" He laughed again.

Jason gritted his teeth and looked around, then looked at his partner.

"Fuck this. I'm out." She announced before punching the two who were holding her in the crotch and smacking their thick skulls together before the fell into a heap on the floor.

Jason and Y/n grinned at each other before shooting, kicking and punching anyone that came within a 2m radius.

In all their haste they didn't see blackmask leave the scene before he shouted them to attention.

"Well it's been fun you too but I'm afraid I must shoot off!" He yelled as he laughed, and aimed his gun at Y/n's chest.

Everything went into slow motion as Jason lunged at her, but he was too late. Blackmask ran as the force of the shots knocked Y/n off her feet as she landed harshly on her back.

"Y/n? Y/n?" Jason said with shaky breath as he slipped onto his knees next to her.

"J-jay... I'm n-not gonna-" She spluttered before coughing up a lung full of blood.

"No! No you will make it! Please Y/n, you're all I have left!" He shouted as he gripped her hand, tears slipping off his face and into hers.

She reached up with a shaking hand and wiped away his tears and brushed his dark hair out of his eyes.

"We've had some good times... but I have to go now... I know I'll see you again some day. Just don't do anything stupid until that day." She mumbled as her eyes slowed rolled over into the back of her head, and her hand went limp in his.

Jason let his tears spill over as he held her body close. "No Y/n... please don't go...."

3 years later

Bullets rang out across the city as Jason leaped through a window to a ledge on the opposite building. Dust covered his mask, bits of wall flying in the air as bullets ripped through the side of the building.

He looked over his shoulder in time to see the assassin leaping after him as he quickly gripped his way to the top of the building and running over behind an air conditioning unit, reloading his guns.

He heard the assassin land swiftly as he began to look for Jason on the rooftop.

As soon as Jason heard him getting close he farted out from around his hiding spot and shot the attacker at point blank in the chest.

He fell backwards as Jason strode over and put his knee on his chest, causing him to splutter and gasp from breath.

"That's what you get for trying to fuck with red hood." He panted out as he spat on the floor and turned to go before he heard a small voice.

"W-wait... We've had some good times... but I have to go now... I know I'll see you again some day. Just don't do anything stupid until that day."

Jason immediately froze and turned around.

"Now who the fuck are you?!" He yelled as he pulled of the black mask the assassin was wearing, to reveal a feminine face and Y/hl Y/hc hair.

Jason removed his knee from your chest and pulled off his own mask.

"Oh my god, Y/n?" He asked frantically as he quickly pressed his hands of top of your wound.

You hissed and closed your eyes tightly. "I-I'm s-sorry Jason..." you mumbled, trying to catch your breath.

"No! I'm not letting you go again! Please Y/n, I lost you once already!" He yelled.

"I'm sorry jay..." you trailed off your eyes closed and your body went limp.

"NO! I love you! Please don't go!" He yelled as he desperately began cpr, tears falling down his face and onto yours.

"Come...on...Y/n...breathe..." He panted in between breaths.

After 5 minutes or so he sat back. Trying to regain his breath. He looked down desperately at the pale face below him, completely drained of colour and life.

He let out a choked sob as he covered your face with his mask before scooping up your body and carrying you carefully back to Wayne manor.

He entered the gardens and dug a shallow grave near Bruce's parents' resting place and gently lowered your body in, before filling the grave over.

Tears still streamed down his face as he walked to the other side of the garden and pulled up a few of Alfred's flowers and rested them on your grave.

They were Y/fc.

"I'm sorry Y/n......

I'm so sorry."

Well that was sad. And long.


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