Jason Todd x reader

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This is based on a true story that is actually happening right now. Not romantically but still. I'm being entirely serious this is how great my school is. *note the sarcasm.*

Y/n sighed as she plopped down in her chai in the library. It was Tuesday afternoon and there was only an hour left of school, and she had no lessons. Whenever she found herself with nothing to do she would always go to the library and read a book or study for an upcoming test.

She always sat in this corner of the library. It was the table in the far corner, away from everyone else and just outside a classroom located inside in the library.

Y/n sighed as she pulled out her textbook and began to write notes, when she heard yelling form the classroom. It wan nothing unusual, just a rebellious student not paying attention to the teacher.

A few moments later a boy sauntered out of the classroom and smirked to himself, leaning up against a bookshelf. Y/n knew he was in her year, but that was all. She didn't even know his name.

His tie was loosely hanging around his neck and his black hair with a white streak framed his chiselled jawline and he looked up at her. He didn't have a blazer on even though it was freezing at this time of year in Gotham, yet he didn't look cold at all.

"She's gonna forget your standing out here, you know that right?" She said.
"Used to do the same to me all the time. "

He chuckled and moved slightly closer to her table.
"I had her last year. I somehow passed the class but I have no idea how. I shit you not in the exam on one question I wrote 'by the power of magic'. Terrible answer but funny for whoever was marking it. "
Jason snorted as he laughed, making her giggle.
"I could help you if you want. And when I say me, I mean my best friend Google and copying from the textbook." she offered.

He hummed in response and sat down ta her table.  She put away her current textbook in her bag and pulled out the one he would be studying from.
"By the way, I'm Y/n. " she said, smiling.

"Jason. Jason Todd. "


In the few weeks that followed Jason would see you around school, and you would smile and smirk at each other as you passed. He would get sent out of his lessons purposely now to with you. 

Each day he would leave the room with that smirk on his face and deposit his work on your table for you to help him with, and he would tell you his stories while you worked.

He would alway tell you he would try to annoy the teacher so he could spend more time with you, and you would always come to the library and sit with when you could.

This had been going on for around 3 months now, as you and Jason grew closer. However one day you were sitting in the library, and there was no Jason. You frowned as you stared at the closed door to the classroom.

You pulled out your phone and texted Jason, asking him where he was.

But there was no reply that day.

Or the next.

Or the next.

You didn't know what to think. Did he get expelled? Did he move? Did something bad happen?

You never got an answer to your questions. So you sat, everyday waiting for him in the library, in case he came back.

But he never did.

Yeah so this is happening all true apart from the ending. Seriously a friend of mine wrote 'by the power of magic' in her GCSE. For one question I wrote 'because it does'. But I passed so eh.

Also do any of you guys like BTS? Who is your bias? If not, who is your favourite band/singer?

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