Bruce wayne x child! Reader

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Bio- reader is a street kid (about 8 years old). Never knew her parents and had to steal to survive.

You sneaked past the main streets a you came past crime alley, near the theatre. You had made yourself a small home in one of the abandoned buildings nearby, which is where you were heading. It was getting dark by now and Gotham was not a good place to be after dark. Your pocket knife was pressing against your thigh as you ran.

Suddenly you spotted something in the crowd of people.
You thought to yourself. It was a rich guy walking down the street, probably heading towards their huge mansion in the richer parts of Gotham. He had a black suit on and his jet black hair was slicked back. He was well built, but that didn't scare you. You had done this a million times before, and had stole more from bigger people before.

Without the man noticing you you crept up behind him, and stuck your hand in his suit pocket. You quickly grabbed his wallet and at that moment a loud bang was heard behind you as a drunk guy collapsed into a pile of trash cans.

The man turned and looked straight at you, as you were mid-pickpocket with his wallet in your hands.

You mentally cursed you self but before the guy could say anything you took off running. You coul hear him chasing behind you, and he was getting closer.

Damn, how much does this guy work out?

You jumped up a fire escape on the side of a building and started climbing, and to your surprise the guy started following you. You continued up until you came to roof of the building.
Crap! How could I have been so stupid!

You said to yourself as you looked around the rooftop. There was only one way to go.

You took a breath and pulled your hood up over your face, as you prepared to jump.

Just as the guy was about to grab you, you leaped into the opposite building. You landed and did a roll to steady yourself. You looked back up to find the rich guy staring at you. He looked mad. BEYOND mad in fact.

You took this opportunity to run as fast as you could to your hide out.

When you arrived back 'home' you inspected what you had stolen that day. You had a pretty successful day; a blanket out of a dumpster, half a bagel from a sandwich truck and the wallet, which contained 500 dollars CASH as well as some ID. You found out they guy you robbed was BRUCE FRICKEN WAYNE. The richest guy in Gotham! BOOM! You were so happy with yourself you decided to give yourself an early night for once.

It was later that night and you were sleeping on the floor with you new blanket covering you. You were still cold. Suddenly you hard a noise coming from outside your 'door' (which was just an old price of wood propped up against a hole in the wall). Grabbing your knife you looked through the cracks in the wood to see...


Deciding it was your own imagination playing tricks on you, you turned around to go back to sleep, when you were met with a figure all in black. You froze. You slowly backed away ,and the figure stepped into the moonlight. It was....

A giant bat?

You were confused as hell as to why there was a guy dressed as a bat in your base. The batguy stared you down as your mind raced. You had no idea what the best option was to do. Maybe this guy was helpful?

You decided to put on the 'cute helpless child' act as you put both hands on your knife.

"W-who are you?" You said in a quiet voice.

You flinched slightly as he bent down on one knee so he was level with you (you were pretending to be scared of course)

"Its ok, I won't hurt you. I'm here too help" he said.
You nodded slowly.
He then pulled down his cowl to reveal Bruce Wayne.

Wait,BRUCE WAYNE? As in the guy you robbed today?

"I can give you a home if you want. Where are your parents?" He asked.

"Dead. " You answered simply, looking at the floor.

"Can I really live with you?" You asked. You had only just met this guy, yet you trusted him already.

"Of course. Come on, i'll show you your house. " he said as he offered his hand to you. You took it as he lead you out of your hideout and to a big black car.

You had a feeling that this was the start of something new. Something good for once.

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