Batfam x child! Reader part 2

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Y/n's POV-

You slowly opened your eyes to be met with a blinding white light. Your whole body felt heavy as your eyes adjusted to the light. You examined your surroundings carefully. This was a place you hadn't been before. You were laying on a bed in what you could only guess was a hospital of some sort.

The bed was soft and you had a white sheet over you. You pulled off the sheet to reveal that you were wearing a light blue gown, and some sort of wristband.

You looked down to see you had bandages in both wrists and some on your ribs and chest.

You sat for a moment, trying to remember how you got here. The last thing you recalled was your mother tying you up and trying to drown you in the bath before everything when hazy.

Suddenly the door to the room opened and a man walked in. He was wearing a smart suit and his black hair was gelled back. You could see his muscles under his shirt. He came over to you and pulled up a chair, sitting by your bed and smiling at you.

"Hello. My name is Bruce Wayne. What's yours?" He asked kindly.
"Y/n." You said quietly. You didn't look him in the eyes, as when you did you would usually get punished in some way.
"You don't have to be afraid Y/n. No one is going to hurt you here." He said, still smiling. You finally looked him in the eyes. He had kind blue eyes that somehow looked very trusting and loyal.

"Where is my mother?" You asked shyly.
"I'm afraid she vanished. But, if you would like, you can live with me. I can give you a house, a room to yourself and anything you need." He said.

His offer was tempting. You thought it over for a moment, and decided it couldn't be any worse than where you came from.

"I would like that, thank you mister Wayne." You answered, forcing a small smile.

"Please, call me Bruce. I will arrange to get you discharged shortly and we can go. " he said as he got up and went to the door.

Time skip-

After you left the hospital Bruce took you to some sort of massive car. He drove you to a part of the city you had never seen before. You stared out of the window in awe at the huge houses, until you came to possibly the biggest building you had ever seen.

"Welcome to your new home Y/n. " Bruce said as he got out of the car and opened the door on your side. You gazed at the manor a Bruce led you inside.

You were greeted by an elderly man who was wearing a suit, but not as fancy as Bruce's.
"Alfred, this is Y/n. Y/n, this is our butler, Alfred. If you need anything and I'm not here, just ask him. " Bruce said as Alfred smiled at you.
"Pleasure to meet you miss Y/n. Master Bruce, could you show her to her room while I prepare dinner?" He asked.

Bruce nodded and led you up a staircase to a corridor with doors on both sides. Bruce stopped at one room and opened it.
"This will be your room. " he said as you stepped inside.

It had Y/Fc walls and a Y/Fc carpet to match, with a wardrobe and desk too. It also had an en suite. On one side of the wall there was a bay window with some pillow an cushions arranged in front of it so you could sit and look outside.

"This is all mine?" You asked timidly.
"Yes. All yours. " Bruce said.

You turned around and hugged Bruce's waist tightly.
"Thank you Bruce. "

Bruce smiled down at the young girl.

"Your welcome Y/n. Now, you go and get changed. There are some clothes in your wardrobe and the bathroom is through that door. " he said, gesturing to the en suite. "My room is opposite yours so if you need anything you can always ask. I will come and get you when dinner is ready, I'm sure your hungry. " he smiled and left you to get changed in your new home.

Time skip-

Alfred had cooked the most amazing food you had ever tasted for you. You had tried to help clean up but Alfred had insisted you let him do it. Bruce then told you you could explore the manor, an that is what you were doing now.

You eventually stumbled upon the library, which had more books in than to could count. You scanned the shelves until you found a book that interested you.

It was called Harry Potter and the philosophers stone. You pulled it off the shelf and sat in a chair in front of the fire, reading for what seemed like hours. You had only read a few books before but you had decided this was the best book of all.

Suddenly, you heard shouting down the hallway. You froze. Usually shouting meant you were going to get punched, so you did the only thing you could think of. You dropped the book and squeezed yourself in a small crack between 2 shelves and waited for whoever it was to go away.

However they didn't, and the voices only got louder. Suddenly a man entered the library. You held your breath as he started to look for something.

"Y/n? Are you in here?" The person said. You crawled out of your hole to get a closer look at the man, before he spotted you and walked over. You hid back in your crack, your face in your knees.

"It's ok Y/n, it's just me. " he said.
You then recognised that it was Bruce.

You slowly came out again to see Bruce in his hands and knees in front of you.
"I...I heard shouting..." You whispered.

"Don't be scared Y/n. No one will hurt you. We weren't shouting at you. " he said.  This relaxed you slightly as you and Bruce stood up.

"Y/n, there's someone I want you to meet. They are all friendly, so you don't need to be afraid. " he said.

"Who are they?"

"My sons."

Ok this was longer than I thought. I'm gonna make a third part to this cos I really want to introduce the boys and reveal more about the character.

In the mean time keep liking and commenting!


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