Damian Wayne x reader

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If you haven't checked out my BTS book go do it!

cecelovesreading1234 - ta da!

You stood patiently waiting at the school gates, people watching at whoever went by. You looked up to see a black limo roll up in your line of sight, and a very annoyed looking Damian stepped out of it.

He slammed the door shut, earning a few glances from passerbys.

"Rough morning?" You joked as he approached you, a scowl on his face.

"What do you expect when you have to get up at 7 and walk around hell for 6 hours?" He hissed.

"Good point, well made." You replied as you both began to walk into school.

You and Damian talked together but you couldn't help but notice the eyes that were following you. Specifically, Sophie. (Sorry if your names Sophie)

Sophie had never liked you, and she was not afraid to voice this opinion to your face. She has always liked Damian. 2 years ago she asked him out and he rejected her, and from then on she has had a fiery vengeance on anyone who dares utter his name.

Eventually the bell rang and you and Damian headed your separate ways to your first class. As it so happens, she was in your first class too.

You heard her scoff loudly as you opened the door.

"Oh look, it's the Wayne's charity case." One of her minions, Kita commented. (Again, sorry if your name is Kita.)  You took a deep breath as you made your way to your seat and tried to keep your head low.

You succeeded for most of the lesson, only being interrupted when you looked over at the table of girls all laughing and looking in your direction.

The bell rang again and you swiftly got up, only to be tripped by someone. You managed to steady yourself on a nearby desk, but you could hear the hyena-like laughter of the girls who all resembled badly dressed bottles of tango. They left quickly, allowing you to slip to your next class without incident.

As it turned out Damian had a detention at lunch for insulting another student, so you were alone.

You never liked to eat alone, and today especially you felt nervous as you quietly at your food in the corner.

That was until you felt had a sandwich being thrown at your back. You didn't need to look at who had thrown it.

Again, you swiftly got up, and left the cafeteria.

In the end you found a bench outside in a quiet corner where you could sit alone, as you began to pick the bits of sandwich out of your hair.

"L/N?! Why the hell do you have lettuce in your hair?" You heard a familiar voice yell from behind you.

"Damian?! Why the hell aren't you in detention?"

"The moron they call a teach left, and so did I. Now care to explain?" He snapped.

"Sophie..." You said sadly as his softened slightly, before his eyes turned to fiery balls of fury. He tightened his fists and gritted his teeth.

"I swear..." He muttered to himself.

You suddenly lifted your head as you heard footsteps.

"Go! Hide! If they catch you they'll expel you!" You hissed as you pushed Damian behind a nearby tree.

But you realised it wasn't a teacher as you heard a familiar laugh that resembled a dying sealion. Sophie.

Her and her 'gang' came around the corner while Damian hid behind a tree.

"Hey Y/n, love the new look! You really work the pile of trash aesthetic!" She said and laughed loudly.

"Where's lover boy today? Maybe he's actually found someone who can pay her own way instead of sponging off others!"

You looked down sadly at your Gotham academy uniform which, to be honest, Bruce had paid for as he had insisted that you get a full scholarship and offered to pay all your school fees.

"THAT'S IT!" You heard a yell as Damian appeared from his hiding place, smoke practically pouring out of his ears.

Sophie's face fell.

"For one, Y/n has paid her way in life, she worked harder than anyone here to get a scholarship to this school, certainly she has worked harder than any of you! And throwing food? How old are you? I thought you were more than this Sophie. Turns out that your just a child. I don't want to see any of you near her again. If I do, you'll regret being born. Now LEAVE!" He yelled.

Sophie had tears in her eyes as she and her friends all scattered, leaving you and Damian.

"Wow..." You were speechless. No one had ever done anything like that for you before.

"If they gone near you again, I'll slap the false lashes of them." He said as he turned to you, and you giggled and hugged him.

"Thanks Damian. I'm so lucky to have you. "

Can you tell I based this description off year 10's? No offence if you are one but where I come from they are orange, caked in makeup and are SO ANNOYING

Side Note : throwing food is DISGUSTING and WASTEFUL, not to mention completely childish. I'm speaking on personal experience here, Please don't do it. It's gross and really upsetting.

anyway rant over


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