Jason Todd x reader Part 2

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Requested by MidnightHeartbreaks here ya go!

It had been three months. Three long, agonising months of loneliness away from her.

Jason wandered the streets of Gotham alone. It was about 12:30 in the evening and Jason had nothing to do.

Correction, he had to go and be Red Hood. But that meant returning to his apartment. Their apartment. The apartment he shared with the love of his life.

He was putting off going home so he wouldn't be reminded of what he did. Or rather, who he did.

He came to the seedy part of town, the east end. The place where there are no rules.
"Hey mister! Care to take a ride?"
"Come on baby, lets go somewhere."
"How about you come to my place and I show you a good time?"

Jason ignored the comments from the numerous girls lining the streets.

"Spare any change?" A girl said quietly, yet Jason heard her perfectly.

Jason stopped dead and looked down the alleyway he was next to, and saw a girl sitting next to a dumpster, a thin blanket covering her face.

"Y/n?" He asked.

The girl looked up and Jason could see clearly see that it was her. She had tears in her eyes. She had dark bags under her eyes and dirt all over her, and loose strands of hair fell onto her forehead.

Jason quietly gasped. He had never seen this side of her. They were both in silence as they stared at each other, before Y/n quickly stood up an turned around.

Before she could go anywhere Jason grabbed her wrist.
"Y/n, please!"

"In sorry Jason. I can't do it. " she mumbled, turning her back on him.

"But- but I'm the one who should be sorry! Look, I know I fucked up, I fucked up hard. But please Y/n, it's been hell without you. "

"Just tell me why. Was I not good enough?"

"No Y/n, you were... Everything and more. I-I was afraid I want enough for you and I'm stupid and - and..."

He was breathing heavily as she turned around to face him.

"I don't know what to do..." She cried, tears falling down her face like a waterfall.

"Please Y/n... I need you..." Jason said lowly.

He lowered his head as a few tears slipped down his cheeks.

She finally looked up at him and saw the tears falling.

"Promise me something." She said, her voice cracking.

"Anything. "

"Don't break my heart again. " she said, as she ran over him and threw her arms around him, sobbing into his chest.

Jason cried too as he pulled her closer to him. She was freezing cold and her hair was slightly damp. He also noted that she was thinner than she was before.

He kissed the top of her head, before pulling off his jacket and placing it over her shoulders. She relaxed a little, sinking into the warmth of his jacket.

"Please Y/n, come home."

A few months later

"Do you, Jason Peter Todd, take Y/n L/n to be your wife?"

"I do. "

"And do you, Y/n L/n take Jason Todd to be your husband?"

"It's a bit late to be saying no." She laughed as she rubbed her baby bump.

Jason smiled wider than he ever had before.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride. "

She leaned in as Jason cupped her face with his hands and kissed her passionately. She smiled into the kiss as she felt Jason move his hands to her sides.

He pulled away and looked into his eyes.

"I love you jay bird. "
"Love you to. Y/nn. With all my heart. "

Yaaaayy I'm not dead😆

At least not on the outside.

Ha lol jk.

James ✌🏻️

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