Jason Todd x reader

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"Are you sure that you're okay to watch this?" Jason asked as he placed the bowl of popcorn on the coffee table, and sat on the sofa next to you.

"Yeah, I'm fine." You lied as you snuggled into his side and he wrapped his arm around you shoulder, kissing your hair.

The truth was, you hate horror movies. Especially the one Jason had chosen tonight. But you had not seen him in a while, and were determined to endure it if it meant you could cuddle with Jason for a night.

You took a breath as the movie started. This is gonna be a long night.

You spent the majority of the night with your face buried in Jason's chest, only looking up occasionally when it got quiet and then hiding again when it got scary.

A while later you felt Jason nuzzle his face into you hair, playing with your fingers. "I'm tired. Let's go to bed." He said. You shakily got up and Jason followed, sliding his arms around your waist as you walked to the bedroom.

As Jason was in the bathroom, you stared at the open window, the blinds flapping gently in the breeze. Each time you blinked you saw flashes of the horrifying scenes from the movie.

You sighed. It looks like you weren't getting any sleep tonight.

Jason's pov

I walked out of the bathroom and saw y/n with her back to me, staring out the window. A smirk spread across my face as I came up with a plan.

I quietly came up behind her and yelled loudly, grabbing her sides. She screamed and jumped a foot in the air as I laughed.

"Oh my god Y/n, you should have seen your face! Ah, you're so cute when you're-" I stopped as I heard her jagged breathing.

She was sitting on the bed, gripping the sheets tightly in her fists. I saw tears run down her face and drip onto the sheets. I quickly moved around in front of her and wrapped my arms around her, stroking her hair.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm sorry. It's just a movie, it won't hurt you. I'm here, you're okay. I'm sorry, please don't cry."

She sobbed bitterly into my shoulder and hugged me tightly.

"Why didn't you tell me you were afraid?" I asked gently.
"I-I just wanted t-to spend time with you..." she sobbed.

I felt a pang of guilt in my chest. I had always felt bad about being away from her for so long. This last month in particular I had missed her more than ever.

"I-I'm sorry." She said as she pulled away and sniffed.

"Hey, I should be sorry." I said as I wiped her tears away and cupped her cheeks.

"Please don't cry. You're too pretty to cry." I said. She let out a sound that was half laugh half sob. I kissed the side of her head and lay down, allowing her to put her back to my chest and lay on top of me.

I rested my hands on her stomach as she held them. I sniffed her hair and kissed her head.
"I'm here y/n. I'll protect you. I promise."

"Thank you. My hero."

I've been down for a while and still can't get up

I'm trying.


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