Jason Todd x reader

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Dark clouds fell over Gotham as Jason stood in front of her grave. Y/n L/n. The only person Jason trusted with everything. The only person who truly understood him. The only person who cared.

Tears rolled down his face as he fell to his knees in front of the headstone. Bruce had paid for her to be buried in a small private garden in the cemetery so Jason could be alone while he talked to her.

Rain fell from the sky as Jason shut his eyes, remembering the fateful night.


"You ready Jay-bird?"
"Hell yeah Y/nn. "
Jason replied as he holstered his gun and jumped onto his motorbike. Y/n did the same with her y/w and they both set off into the night.

The mission was simple. Stop an illegal drug deal at the docks. Easy, right?


As soon as they arrived they jumped off their bikes and started to attack. Jason was shooting left and right and y/n was doing the same. Gunshots rang out as the gang members fell one by one.

But what both of the vigilantes failed to notice was the sniper positioned in a boat, aiming at them.

The two stood admiring their work when Y/n noticed a red dot on Jason's chest. Realising what it was she jumped into action.

She leaped forwards and shoved him out the way, taking a bullet straight to the chest.

Jason screamed as he shot the sniper and fell down onto his knees next to her.

"Y/n? Why?" He asked, tears blurring his vision.
"Because... Your to important to..." She trailed off as she coughed up blood.
"We need to get you help." He said as he went to call Bruce but she weakly grabbed his arm.

"It's...too late...Jay. I- I love you Jason. Thank you... For being there. I-"
She suddenly trailed off as her body went limp on his arms.


-end of flashback-

He sobbed into his hands as the rain poured. He was too late to save her. He lost the girl he loved.

"I'm- I'm s-sorry y/n" he choked out.

"I'm sorry..."

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