Jason Todd x reader

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Warning- language. It's Jason, what do you expect?

You put your key in the door to your apartment and entered, shaking the water off your coat before hanging it up.
Typical Gotham winter.
You mumbled as you pulled off your boots and threw them in a corner. You were too tired to think about them now.

You had a really hard day at work and just wanted to relax at home with your boyfriend Jason. Speaking of Jason, it didn't look like he was home at the moment so you made your way to the kitchen to get a drink.

You poured yourself Y/Fd in your favourite mug, and went to the bedroom to get changed.

When you got there the door was shut, which was weird because you were the last person in the house and you were sure you left it open.

You looked down on the floor to see a pair of pants on the floor. They were a deep navy colour and worst of all- they weren't yours. Or Jason's.

You assumed they were Roy's or somebody else's that Jason knew through being an outlaw. Trying to reassure yourself, you carried on.

You opened the door and as you did your stomach fell.

Jason was laying in YOUR bed with some random girl you had never seen. They were both completely naked as there were clothes scattered all over the  floor.

Jason suddenly sat up at looked at you, his eyes wide and his face pale. The girl also sat up, covering herself with the sheet.
"Y/n, wait I-"
"WHAT THE FUCK JASON?" You screamed.
"No! I don't wanna hear it! Have fun with your whore, in outta here!" You yelled, turning on you heel and slamming the door behind you.

The door opened again as Jason followed you out, only wearing his boxers.
"But wait! Y/n, I'm sorry I-"

You turned around and threw your drink in his face, before kneeing him where the sun doesn't shine.

He bent over in pain on the floor in front of you.
"Sorry? Sorry for what? Sorry you did it or sorry you got caught?!" You spat as you pulled on your boots and jacket and slammed the door behind you.

It was still pouring it down outside as you pulled up your hood and briskly walked down the street. You had no idea where you were heading and thanks to your abrupt exit you only had your phone and a couple of bucks on you.

Tears filled your eyes as you wandered the streets, finally coming to terms with what had happened.

He had cheated on you.  Your best friend had kicked you to the curb without a second thought, and even let some random woman into your apartment.

A tear slipped down your face as you broke into a run, trying to get as far away from the centre of the city as possible. You weren't stupid and knew what happened at Gotham at night.

So you continued to run deep into the night, running from your life. From your home.

From Jason.

Yeah who wants part 2?

Also HOLY CRUD this book has 850 views and 58 likes. THATS CRAZY.

thank you guys sooooo much! Please keep like and commenting as I really appreciate it!


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