Damian x reader

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Damian crouched down on the rooftop, looking out over the city. The wind blew his dark hair out of his face, and for a moment it was silent.

Until screams were heard nearby.

He tutted and dropped from his perch and landed on a balcony below, before leaping off and shooting his grappling hook to a ladder on a nearby water tower, where he could get a better view of the city.

He looked down to see a girl running down an alleyway, being chased by a slightly larger man.
"Please, help me!" The girl yelled as she ran.

Damian quietly dropped down from the tower and onto the larger mans shoulders, knocking him off balance and onto the wet concrete.

He pinned his arm behind his shoulder, just far enough for him to be in pain but far enough to break it.

He slammed the mans face into the floor, knocking him out.

He got up and brushed off his hands, looking up as the girl peeked out from behind her hiding spot next to a bin.

"What?" Damian asked harshly and she winced. He cursed himself, remembering what Dick had said about being nice to people.

"Are you okay?" He asked a bit more gently.

"Yeah, thanks." She said, approaching him. She must have been around Damian's age, maybe younger. She had Y/hl Y/hc hair, and soft eyes.

"Thank you, but today's just not your night birdy." She said as she cocked her her to the side and smiled.

Damian was confused for a second before he felt a funny smelling rag go over his nose and the world went black.

When Damian woke up he was in a prison cell of some sort, minus his belt. He was laying on the floor, and pretended to be asleep. He looked on the other side of the bars to see the guy he had taken down earlier and the girl, along with another guy he didn't recognise.

The larger man was sat behind a desk, and the other was over by the door. The girl was leaning on the far wall of the room, away from the two.

"Yeah, little shit about broke my arm. And my nose." said the big guy.

Well, you did deserve it.

"What're you doing with him?" The girl asked.


"None of your business sis. Just watch him until dad gets back. Do I have to remind you what happened the last time you messed up?" The other guy said.

Damian noted that the girl stiffened slightly, before rubbing her arm nervously.

"Good girl." He said and tossed a gun in her direction, which she caught easily and stuffed into her waistband.

The two guys left the room and the girl stayed, staring at a spot on the floor.

"I know you're awake." She said quietly.
Damian sat up and his eyes met hers. He immediately scowled and stood up.

"Look, I know this sounds confusing, but I want to help you."

Damian scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"And why on earth would you wish to do that?" He hissed.

"I hate it here. I want to leave."

Damian crossed his arms and looked around the cell, trying to work out an escape route.

"Please, I cant take it anymore." Damian turned as her voice cracked, tears lining her eyes.
"You don't know what they've done to me. We might be related, but mr aren't family." She whispered.

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