Batfam x reader

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Bio- reader is Dick's little sister. Also based of Judas contract.

"Yes Dick, everything is ok."
"Are you sure? I mean, I can come back if..."
"No Dick. I'm fine. How is Alfred and the rest?"
"They're good. Tim hasn't stopped researching this case for 3 days, Damian's been non stop practicing, Jason's being his moody self and Bruce hasn't left the batcave in a week."
You sighed and shook your head.
"Ok. Tell Tim to go to bed. Damian to go outside, Jason to get a life and Bruce to get his ass out of the cave for 5 minutes. And tell Alfred that's he's the best father in the world."
"Okay, I will. Anyway, I need to go. We got a new lead on deathstoke's location and I'm going to check it out. Love you sis."
"Love you too big brother."

You hung up as you put your phone back in your pocket. You were alone in Dick's apartment in Blüdhaven. He had been urgently called back to Gotham by Bruce as Deathstroke was on the loose again. You knew about your families 'extra curricular activities' but Dick had made it clear since you were a kid that you were never going to be a costumed crime fighter.

You put your plates from dinner into the dishwasher and were just about to put Netflix on the Tv when you saw something in your window. You looked over and saw....

A person coming towards your window?



Deathstroke suddenly smashed through your window, kicking you in the jaw as he did so. The force of his kick knocked you backwards and you hit your head of the side of the coffee table. You quickly got to your feet again and ran to the door of your apartment. You could hear Deathstroke shouting behind you as bullets came whizzing past your head.

You ran up the stairs of the building and onto the roof, where you jumped onto the next building. You looked down over the edge of the building to see Deathstroke running out onto the streets below.

You sighed and pulled out your phone again, quickly calling Dick. He had always told you to do this if this event ever occurred. In fact, he told you this before he went anywhere without you.

"Y/n? What..."
"Deathstroke found me. I think I lost him but..."
You suddenly screamed as a knife was throw at you, coming so close that it ripped your jumper.
"Y/n, Y/N! Keep running, I'll be there as soon as I can" Dick said hurriedly as he hung up.

"He'll never make it in time Y/n. Get ready to meet your parents. "
Deathstroke said as he pulled out his katanas and tried to swing at you. You dodged it and ran around him, and back down the stairs.

Deathstroke yelled for you again but you kept running. You ran down the streets until you came to a market stall near the docks, with Deathstroke still on your tail. He launched another knife at you as you quickly grabbed a chopping board from a nearby stall and blocked the knife. People screamed and ran as you looked around for your next weapon.

You then grabbed a frying pan and smacked him in the side of the head with it, which only seemed to make him angrier. He grabbed your arm and threw you into a wall, as a loud crack was heard from your arm.

You yelled as you fell onto the floor, but you quickly got up. You had no clue where you were running, and soon enough you needed up on a pier.

You mentally cursed yourself as you realised you had no place to run. You turned around to face Deathstroke. Your head was bleeding and your side and arms stung, and all of your muscles ached.


You sighed in relief as you heard your big brother's voice. Deathstroke stepped to the side to reveal not only Nightwing, but Batman and Robin too.

"Ah. Grayson. I was wondering when you would show up. I guess I don't need my bait anymore" he said as Dick tightened his grip on his escrima sticks.

Deathstroke then pulled a gun on you, and before anyone could react he shot you in the chest. You gasped and stumbled backwards, falling into the water.

"NO!" You heard Dick yell as you plunged into the freezing cold water. You couldn't swim that well because of your busted shoulder, and you fell further into the dark water.

Dick's POV

I charged as Deathstroke, punching him in the face and then roundhouse kicking him. Bruce and Damian backed me up and soon enough we had Deathstroke on the run.

"Until next time bats. And my condolences Grayson" he said as he grappled away across the city. I went to follow him, but Bruce put his hand on my shoulder.

" let him go Dick. You're too emotional now. " he said.

I suddenly ran down to the pier again, and saw Jason and Tim pulling Y/n's body out the water.

I fell onto my knees next to her and held her close to my chest, tears in my eyes.

"Mnnnm... Dick... " I heard as I pulled away from Y/n, to see her looking up at me.
"Y/n? How are you..."
She then unzipped her jacket and pulled a chopping board out of her jacket, and it had a bullet lodged in it. She tossed it aside and looked back up at me. I then realised that there was no blood on her.

I smiled, wiping away my tears.
"Y/n, you're a genius!" I said as I hugged her close to me. Jason took off his jacket and wrapped it around Y/n's shoulders. She was soaking wet and freezing cold.
"Come on. Let's go home. " I said as I pulled her to her feet. She hissed as she stood up. 2 of her ribs were defiantly broken and her shoulder was dislocated, but nothing Alfred couldn't fix.

"Thanks guys. You mean the world to me" she said as I helped her the the batmobile and Damian, Tim and Jason followed behind me and Bruce on their motorbikes.

When we got home Alfred fixed Y/n's shoulder, but she would have to wear a sling for 3 weeks. She was asleep in the batcave and I was sitting next to her. And had changed and before she fell asleep I had braided her hair, as I knew she liked it when I did that.

"Dick, go get some rest. She'll be fine." Tim said behind me as he looked up from the bat-computer.
"Says the one who hasn't slept in 4 days. "
"Dick. Go. To. Bed. " Jason said sternly as he walked down the stairs.
"NOW. " they both said together.
"But I don't want to leave Y/n. She's all I have left..."
I said as I held her hand.
"Not true. You have us. " said Jason.
"Ughhh. Fine. But if anything happens I swear. "
"Yes Dickie-bird" Jason said as Dick trudged upstairs.

"He's not going to bed is he."
"Nope. "

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