Jason Todd x reader (M)

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Okay- so I said to myself when I started this book I wouldn't write smut but here we are. I have never written one before so please don't laugh

It had been 3 weeks. 3 long agonising weeks since you had seen Jason. You didn't know exactly where he had gone; he had refused to tell you for your own protection. He knew if you had the slightest clue where he was you would come after him.

You turned on your phone and stared at your lock screen, which was a picture of you and Jason kissing on your 2nd anniversary. You sighed sadly. You desperately needed him.

You dropped your phone as you heard a bang from your bedroom. You quickly grabbed a knife from the kitchen, and slowly made your way over to the dark bedroom.

You quietly opened the door and flicked on the lights, ready to stab whatever was in front of you. However, as the room flooded with light you dropped the weapon. There he was, crawling in through the window.

"Jason!" You squealed a you ran into his arms, burying you face in his neck.

You both stayed quiet as you breathed in his familiar scent. You removed your face from his neck and kissed his lips passionately. He replied with equally as much passion, tracing patterns on your back that made your spine tingle.

"I missed you so much. " you breathed out as he made his way down your neck, sucking and biting on your skin a he went.

"Me too" he said as he found your sweet spot, causing you to moan loudly. He looked up at you, smirking proudly and admiring his artwork.

"I can't wait any longer. Are you ready? I'm not sure I can control myself." He asked.

You nodded. The truth was you had been looking forward to this as much as he had, an you could already feel your underwear getting damper.

He started at your neck again before removing his lips only for a second to whip your top off. He then made his way down to your breasts where he sucked the left while massaging the right with his hand.

"I wanna fuck you until your can't walk Y/n. I can't wait any longer."

You moaned in pleasure and gripped his shoulders to balance your self.
He swiftly pulled down your pants to reveal you were already wet.

"Fuck Y/n... You've been waiting for this huh?"

You only moaned in response as he grabbed your ass and picked you up, moving you do you were laying on the bed. He positioned himself at your entrance. He worked his hands up your thighs, sending a tingle around your body.

He massaged your clit with his fingers before playing with it with his tongue. You gripped the bed sheets tightly before he pushed his fingers inside you, sending a wave of pleasure throughout your body.

You cried out and bucked your hips into his hands and he established a steady rhythm, before adding another finger into you.

"Now my turn. " Jason instructed as he sat you up before pulling off all his clothes, to reveal his length, glistening with precum. You spread the precum with your thumb before taking his length into your mouth, sucking and licking his tip.

He moaned and ran his fingers through your hair as you continued bobbing your head.

You finished with a satisfying pop as you lay back down again.

"Your tight baby. Let me fix that. " he said.

Without any warning he suddenly thrust inside you. You cried and gripped onto his shoulders, digging your nails into his skin.

"Faster. Faster Jason, please. " you moaned as he obliged and thrust into your at a faster pace, sending waves of pleasure through your body.

"J-Jason, I'm about to-"
"Not yet." He instructed as your felt a familiar knot in the pit of your stomach.

He continued thrusting until your couldn't control yourself anymore, and released around him. He kept pushing further into you as your walls tightened around him, riding through your orgasm.

He kept going, occasionally massaging your breasts with his hands until you felt him spill out inside you. He moaned and flopped down onto te bed next to you, as you both panted.

"I missed this. God, you feel so good   Y/n."

"I love you Jason. " you breathed out.
"I love you too Y/n. All of you."

I feel dirty Ewww now you know why I don't write smut


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