Dick Grayson x reader

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"No Dick!"
"Why not?"
"Because you'll die!"
"No I won't."
"Dick, if you try to barrel roll this squad car I WILL shoot you."
Dick grumbled as he pushed the accelerator and drove away from the small ramp made of old cardboard boxes in the street.
"No fun" he murmured as you drove down the main streets of Blüdhaven.

You were coming to the end of your shift and you and your partner Dick were on your way back to the precinct. It had been a fairly easy going day for you two, and it was getting later now.

"You think nightwings gonna show tonight?" You asked him, looking out the window.
"I don't know. Probably, he always comes out at night." Dick replied.
"Jeez. His girlfriend must get really pissed at him for sneaking out so often."
"Who says he's taken?"

You turned to look at Dick. He was blushing now with his eyes still glued to the road.
"I-I mean - most people are single Pringles. Like me"
"And me" you smiled as you went back to looking out the window. "Single Pringle and ready to mingle. " he said.
"Do me a favour Grayson and jump out that window." You said, rolling your eyes at his terrible attempt at humour. He laughed and continued driving.

By the time you got back to the precinct it was dark. Great, now you were walking home in the dark. Sure this was no Gotham, but still. Scary.

You walked down the alleys of Blüdhaven that you had to go through to get home. You had your gun on you, but this still wasn't helping your nerves.

"So, what's a pretty lady like you doing all alone?" A rough voice said behind you.


You tried to ignore them and began to walk a little faster, but this proved ineffective as the creep grabbed your neck and pinned you against a wall.

Hell naw. Not today.

You spat in his face and kneed him in his... Region.

He howled in pain and let go of you. You took this opportunity to pull out your gun and pointed it at him.

"Lady, what are you gonna do with that?"
He smirked as he slapped the gun out of your hand, and picked it up and pointed it at you.

"Lights out pretty lady" he said as a huge pain filled you chest, knocking you backwards.

You heard shouting and saw a figure in black and blue leaning over you. He was talking to you but you couldn't tell what he was saying. Soon enough, the darkness overcame you and you drifted away.

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