Bruce Wayne x reader

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What the hell, I've not done Bruce in a while.

Now that came out wrong. Or did it 😏

The cold Gotham air hit you as you opened your sliding door into the balcony of your apartment. You looked at the clocktower which was conveniently within viewing distance of your balcony, and the time read 11:53.

Bruce had meant to meet you for dinner over an hour ago, but hadn't shown. Again. He had a another business meeting. You were getting frustrated with his lies and lack of commitment. It had been 6 months since you started dating, and you were beginning to wonder if he was actually married to his job.

"Seriously, who has a business meeting at 12 at night?"

You asked out loud, but the only response you got was a harsh winter wind blowing in your face.

If he's I gonna ditch me the least he can do is offer a sensible excuse.

You closed your eyes and felt the wind on your bare arms, before the wind turned into heat.

You opened your eyes again to see that a short way from your apartment another building was on fire. You squinted to get a closer look but you heard an infectious laughter.

It seemed like the joker was at it again.

You sighed heavily, before slipping back inside the warmth of your apartment, closing the door on the heat and the wailing of sirens nearby.

Having lived in Gotham your whole life, this was nothing new. All you could do was wait for it to be over.

After a while you had fallen asleep on the sofa, having been too tired to actually get into your bed. You awoke and looked over to the clock on your wall. 1:20.

You rubbed your eyes before hearing a small sound from your balcony. You stopped, but shrugged when you assumed it was a bird or something.

But then your herd it again, yet it sounded more... Desperate.

You drew back the curtains to see a figure all in black in a pile on the floor on your balcony. You slowly slid open the door, and the figure collapsed in front of you, allowing you to see the bat insignia on his chest.

"Holy crap, Batman?" You asked aloud.
Noooo, it's the queen of England. How many other people do you know who go around dressed as bats?
You sassed yourself in your head.

As you stared at his form you realised that the white carpet around him had now turned red.

"Damn it, do you know how hard it is to get blood out of white carpet?" You yelled as you slid your hands under his arms and dragged his limp body across your floor and to the bathroom.

You dropped him roughly on the ground and grabbed your first aid kit, before looking him over. You could see a large amount of blood coming from the back of his shoulder.

You mentally prepared yourself.

You were going to have to remove his suit.

You placed your hands gently on his chest armour, before carefully pulling it off before and placing it in the bath. Under his suit he was absolutely ripped and you had to look away. You felt like you were betraying Bruce.

Ah what the hell. He stood me up. At least I can look as this guy with the body of an ABSOLUTE GOD.

You began to patch up his shoulder, using your *limited* knowledge of medicine, most of which you had learned from tv.


Bruce groaned as he sat up, rubbing his shoulder, it was still sore, but nothing Alfred couldn't fix. Bruce looked around at his surroundings. He was in... Your apartment?

In his delusional state he must have gone to the nearest place he recognised. He was sitting on the sofa in your living room. Then he realised it.

He wasn't wearing his suit anymore.

Instead he was wearing one of his shirts and joggers, but still had his cowl on.

"Ah, you're up." He heard you say as you entered the room holding a glass of water and painkillers.

"Here. Take these. " you said,  handing him the pills.

He looked at you skeptically.
"Hey, if I wanted to kill you I would have done already. Just take the damn pills." You snapped, not in the mood to be interrogated by batman at 4 in the morning. You walked over to the balcony and opened the doors, stepping outside again.

He swallowed the pills, and got up and walked up behind you.

"How did you know what to do with a gunshot wound?" He asked.
"I don't. I just guessed. Tv mainly. Oh, and your welcome."

"Did you..."
"Look? No. I'm not like that."

Bruce's heart sank. He knew you were right; you weren't like that. Which made him feel even worse for ditching you earlier that night.

"It's nearly sun up. You should get going. " you said, your back facing him, looking out over the city.

Bruce took a deep breath.

"Y/n, turn around. " he said in his regular voice, pulling off his cowl.

"How do you know my name? And why do you sound like-"
You said as your turned around before your mouth hung open.

"B-Bruce? Your- but i- and you were-"

Bruce smiled sheepishly, before you slapped him in the face.

"What the hell Bruce?! You don't tell me your batman and then you crawl into my apartment at 1 in the morning and bleed all over my fucking carpet?!" You yelled.

He shushed you before pulling you inside. "I'm sorry. I couldn't tell you. And I only came here because I knew I could trust you. And I'm sorry I abandoned you last night. "

"Are you being serious right now? I can't tell anymore."

"Of course I'm being serious. I love you Y/n, and I trust you with my life. "

You froze. This was the first time Bruce had said he loved you.

"I-I love you too Bruce. Just don't scare me like that again." You said as you hugged him tightly.

"Also, you owe me a new carpet."
"I think I can afford it. "


Also anyone want my snapchat? Dm me xxxxx


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