Stoic batsis x Bruce

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"Y/N L/N! What where you thinking?!" Bruce yelled at her across the batcave.
"It was his own fault!" She yelled back, stripping off her mask.

"He may have attacked Tim, but that doesn't mean you can kill him!" Bruce growled in a stern voice.

"Hear that Drake? Father doesn't mind if you get attacked. " Damian said smugly to Tim. Damian was leaning on the desk as Tim typed in the batcomputer.

"Shut it demon. " Jason muttered as he sat down to polish his helmet.

"Bruce, so what if Y/n killed a guy? She is simply following in her handsome older brothers footsteps."
Jason smirked as Bruce gave him a batglare. Jason shrugged in response and spat on his helmet before wiping it with a dirty cloth.

"So what? SHE'S 11!" Dick interjected as he emerged from the changing room in grey sweatpants and a black tank top.

" so? I'm bored of this. If any of you need me, I'll be in my room. " Y/n announced as she stomped up the stairs.

Bruce rubbed his eyes as he heard the door slam.

"That was quite a scene old man. " Jason commented. This earned him a slap in the head from Dick.

"What are you gonna do Bruce?" Dick asked.

"She's just got to act like a kid again. But how do I do that?" He asked himself.

"Um, hello? Whose literally the 26 year old man- child here?" Tim said, without turning around from the computer.

All eyes went to Dick who was beaming at Bruce.

"Fine. Take her to the fair tomorrow. "

Dick squealed and hugged Bruce, before taking off upstairs to plan Thursday tomorrow.

"Well. Hopefully she'll get annoyed and kill him tomorrow. " Jason laughed as Bruce glared at him again.

The next day-

"OOOOHH what a beautiful morning! Oh what a beautiful day!" Dick sang as he ripped open the curtains in Y/n's room, allowing the sunshine to flood in.

She moaned loudly as she pulled the covers up over her head, but Dick pulled them away from her.
"C'mon Y/n, we're going out!" He said happily as he grabbed her ankle and started to drag her out of bed.

Big mistake.

Before Dick knew what was going in he was pinned down on the floor, with Y/n
uncomfortably sitting on his stomach.
"I don't want to. " she said simply.

"And yet you're already out of bed. 1 point to Grayson. " Dick smirked as she scowled and rolled off him.

"We leave in 20. Dress warm. " he said as he left the room.

She sighed loudly as she began to get dressed.


Dick stumbled through the front door and crashed out onto the floor, with Y/n walking behind him with her arms folded neatly acres her chest and a scowl in her face.
"I give up! She has the mind of a 30 year old martial arts master!" He whined.

"I believe that is 1 point Grayson, 14 points L/n. " she said smugly.

Bruce came down the stairs with Ace at his side. He sighed as he went over to his daughter.

"Y/n. A word please. " he said formally.

"If you insist father. " she replied, equally as formally.

Bruce led her to the gardens outside Wayne manor with Ace following them. They both sat on a bench in front of the fountain as Ace sniffed around the fountain.

"Y/n, do you understand why I sent you out with Dick today?"

"To make me act more childish. "  she replied.

"No and yes. Y/n, you are a fantastic fighter but I don't want you to miss out on your childhood. Please Y/n, it's ok for you to act silly sometimes.

Y/n watched as Ace stared at his reflection in the water. Be began to paw at his reflection. Y/n smiled slightly.

Bruce observed as she watched Ace play, before she was giggling happily at him.

Bruce put his arm around her shoulders as they watched Ace. Maybe she could be happy after all.

Hope this was ok!

Also it's #jinday tomorrow. Happy birthday Jin!


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