Skateboarding-JC Caylen REQUESTED

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A requested imagine for @cowshower97

Finally I was able to spend a day with my boyfriend and just him! Lately when we hang out someone just has to come with us. I don't mean to sound selfish or anything but I just want some alone time with him.

Anyways as I finished getting ready to spend time with him he knocked on the door. I was about to open the door but before I did I checked myself once more in the mirror. I fixed my shoulder length blonde hair. I was wearing a new outfit I had recently bought. It was a flannel with dark skinny jeans and a j crew vest along with bean boots! I looked hawt if I do say so myself.

I opened the door and was greeted with a long and passionate kiss from JC. We pulled back after about six minutes to get some air.

We left skateboarding and with JC leading the way to I don't know where since he wouldn't tell me.

We finally arrived at a beautiful and quiet lake nearby and JC put a blindfold over my eyes. I hesitated but agreed after a while since I knew I could trust him. We finally stopped walking and he said I could take the blindfold and I did so to see a blanket on the floor with a picnic basket on it.

We sat down and he opened the basket to reveal of course some Taco Bell and Arizona! Yummy!!! 😋

We ate in silence but a comfortable silence. After we finished eating we watched the sunset and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

All of a sudden he sat up and pulled me up along with him. I was surprised at first and thought he was upset at me for something. But then I realized he had his adorable smile and I put my worry aside.

He was the first to speak and said, "Madison I know we're young. I mean I'm only 15 (yes I know he's 21 but not in my imagine he isn't) and you're only 13 but I want you to know that I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you no matter what." Iwere so excited because that was the first time he ever told me I love you.

He stood there when all of a sudden his smile dropped and he said, "I knew I shouldn't have said that" and you said, "JC don't say that. I've been feeling the same toward you but I was scared to say it because I thought you wouldn't feel the same toward me but you do! I love you too!" We both lean in and have kiss passionately.

He says it's getting late and you guys should head back home. I reluctantly agree and when we arrive at my house I give him a peck on the lips and a long hug taking in his scent.

We say our goodbyes and he leaves.

I can finally peacefully sleep tonight because I know he feels the same way toward me that I feel for him!

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