Not Again...-Kian Lawley

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*I will be using a random name since it is easier rather than using you*

I was sitting at home waiting for my boyfriend to come back. It was late at night and I was starting to get worried. He had went to a party and I was about to go when suddenly I started to feel sick. I decided not to go.

I tried calling him but he wasn't answering so I thought maybe his phone died. I called the others as in Connor, Ricky, JC, Trevor, and Sam and luckily one of them did. That being Trevor as I'm assuming the rest were wasted and he wasn't. Trevor told me that Kian was no where to be found and that maybe it was better for me to not talk to him for a while. I was confused and decided that maybe I should go to the party since Trevor wasn't answering any of my questions as to why not.

When I arrived I spotted Kian, but he wasn't alone. He was with some skinny, fake girl. And that's not the worst part they were in the middle of a heated make out session when I pulled them apart from each other.


"Babe I am soooooo sorry! It meant nothing! No one is special like you! That kiss meant nothing to me! And she was the one who came and kissed me! I tried pushing away but she wouldn't let go of me." Kian said looking sorry. "Please babe, don't leave me. I love you too much. I've never dreamt of hurting you like this but I did and what makes it worst is that you've lost your trust for me."

His eyes were watering and I was standing there crying as well in anger and hurt.

"Do you know why I didn't come to this party?! Have you noticed that I haven't been feeling too well the past few days?! It's because I've been carrying my baby, your baby, our baby." I yelled at him as everyone around us became even more quiet looking at us after what I said.

"I can't believe you did this and it's not even your first time! I don't ever want to see you again! And I want you to stay out of my baby's life!"

"Babe, please I never meant to hurt you! And I want to see my baby and be the best dad I can be for it. Just please give me another chance, just one last chance. If I mess up one more time then I will let you leave me as much as I wouldn't want you to. Give me one last chance to prove to you that I can be what you want," he pleaded.

"Fine just one last chance! And if you mess up, whether it's something big or something small, I will want you out of my life along with my baby's."


*2 years later*

Kian and I have been together and no one has ruined it anymore. We have a beautiful little girl and a baby boy on the way. We are getting married the summer after the baby is born. Kian has also proved to me that he truly loves me and has never made another mistake. I am happy that I forgave him that night.



Hey guys! I'm back with a new imagine. I hope you guys liked it! I know Kian would never do that and make out with some other girl while he has a girlfriend. Just wanted to let you guys know that I don't think of him being like that.

Please vote and comment and let me know what you guys thought.

I am still taking requests if anyone would like one just comment down below or private message me with all the details and scenario!

Also I am writing a Sam Pottorff fanfic! Please go check that out and vote and comment on that as well.

Well that's it, until next time peace!

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