The Bump- JC Caylen REQUESTED

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Hey guys I'm back with an imagine! Not just preferences! So enjoy it because I don't know when I'll upload another imagine due to being busy with school and finals coming up soon so please patient! I will still do preferences as often as I can since those are quicker and easier for me to do with not much time on my hands!

But anyways here is a requested imagine for Jaylene aka @Dream_Aloud07

QOTD- What is one of your pet peeves?

I have so many and I know that's not good but one of them would have to be those annoying people in class that keep clicking their pens and chew their gum really obnoxiously on purpose like stop! Yes I know that was two not one...oops! (Btw I don't mean to sound rude so please don't get offended)

Enjoy and don't forget to vote!

PS I am still accepting requests and I will do them all buy I just don't know when they will be up.


~Jaylene's POV~

I had recently moved to California from Canada and I needed new clothes since it was like I was cooking in an oven. So I decided to go the mall nearby and buy some summer clothes.

I was at the mall going to PacSun when I bumped into a boy who was in there to busy doing something on his phone. I noticed he had nice brown hair and beautiful brown eyes.

"Well hello there, gorgeous. I'm sorry I bumped into you but I'm actually happy I did or else I wouldn't be talking to you," the boy said.

I blushed at his words. Gosh I'm never like this when I receive compliments like that but then again I hardly get complimented. (A/N I'm sure @Dream_Aloud07 is beautiful and always receiving nice compliments. It's just for the imagine)

"Nah. It's fine, really," I replied.

"Well you know just in case I hurt you I should give you my number for insurance purposes you know just in case," he seemed nervous when he said that.

"Yea sure I guess. I'm Jaylene by the way. And you are?"

"I'm Justin but you can call me handsome."

"Uh huh I'll be sure to keep that in mind," I smiled.

"No just call me JC or handsome. I mean that's not that a bad thing."

I smiled back as a reply.

"Listen since I feel I owe you for that bump what do you say I treat you to some lunch?"

"Sure I'd like that."

He led the way to the food court where we got Chinese food. While eating we made little conversation and got learn a little more about each other.

"How about we go to the beach and get to learn a little more about each other?"

"Sure," I nodded.

We headed to the beach and the sun was beginning to set. It looked so beautiful.

All of a sudden I felt JC stop walking and turn towards me. We looked into each other's eyes and our eyes kept flickering from the other's eyes to their lips. There was no longer space between as we leaned in and our lips connected. There were sparks flying everywhere.

Our once loving kiss quickly turned into a heated make out session.

Then suddenly someone yelled at us, "Ayyy! Can you guys stop making out or at least get a room!"

We quickly separated blushing sheepishly as we remembered we were still on the beach.

This was the start of a beautiful and long relationship!

The end!

*hehe I know that was a cheesy ending but oh well!*

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