How He Reacts When You Tell Him You're Pregnant (Part 1)

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Enjoy! And don't forget to vote and comment!

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QOTD- instead of doing a QOTD this time I'm going to rant.

I've noticed that when a majority of people who have asked for requests don't even read my book anymore.

And that's not only for this book but also with my "MagCon Imagines and Preferences" book. Like come on I'm taking time out of my day to write a special imagine for someone. I feel like I put way more thought and time into the requests than I do for regular imagines and preferences. I don't have to write requests for those who make one.

I'm just happy I have the rest of you guys who still read my works. Actually no, happy is an understatement. You guys make me feel so great knowing that I have so many readers reading my book. You guys vote for my book and comment.

I actually go through comments when the app isn't going crazy on me and not allowing me too. But in all honesty I didn't like some of the comments I received on the update, "You Find Out Your Pregnant (Part 2)" like this is my book and I can write it however I want to. I don't even have to be writing but I love to and want to give you guys something to read. I haven't seen too many o2l imagines and preferences books and I feel that there should be more that update frequently.

Like i get that JC doesn't go by Castillo and uses his middle name Caylen instead but Castillo is his real last name so just stop commenting and private messaging me telling me it's Caylen.

If you're so sure it's Caylen send me proof. I'm tired of getting those messages.

I was quite busy the last few days which is one of the reasons I wasn't able to update. The other reason being that I felt that you guys need to appreciate that someone is writing these types of stuff for you guys and all you guys do is comment and message me saying that I need to change Castillo to Caylen like are you serious? No this is my book and I can write it however I want. If you don't like it then don't read it.

Also don't comment and message me saying that Trevor is only 15 and he's too young to have frickle frackled and have a baby. Like do you not think I already know that? These are called imagines and fanfiction for a reason. We are supposed to imagine what the writing is about. And it's called fanfiction because it's fiction written by fans of a person or group. If you didn't already know fiction is a work of writing that is not real.

So stop commenting and telling me all this stuff because it just makes me not really want to update for you guys. And if it continues updates on this book will become less frequent.

I'm not really affected by all these comments it's just that it gets annoying to see.

And a big thank you to all of those who replied to those comments that said "CAYLEN!" and replied saying "NO!" or "It's Castillo!" You guys are honestly the best!

And thanks for over 200 followers!

-Sheren 😌

Ps I'm not extremely mad anymore that I let all this out. Sorry if I seemed harsh or like a b!tch or whatever else you may be thinking right now but I'm pretty sure you guys would be feeling the same way if you were me.

How He Reacts When You Tell Him You're Pregnant (Part 1):

(And guys I know that Trevor is 15 but this in the future! These are imagines and fanfiction meaning that not everything is real!)

Connor- You have been waiting at home for Connor. While waiting for him you were thinking of ways to tell him the news.

You decided to quickly go to the store and buy a baby bottle. As soon as you arrived back to your house you hurried upstairs, knowing Connor would be home soon, you put the test in the bottle. After you went to the kitchen and put it in the refrigerator knowing he would get see it when he goes and gets a snack.

A few minutes later Connor came home and gave you a loving kiss. You pulled away smiling as he mirrored your face. He went to the kitchen and got a snack just as you predicted.

He was about to close the refrigerator when he fully opened it again and grabbed the bottle. He had a confused look and looked to see what exactly was it.

"Are you pregnant?" he slowly asked still puzzled.

You nodded hoping he was still wanting to start a family with you.

As soon as he saw you nodding he ran up to you and picked you up spinning you. Once he put you down he bent down to your stomach and said, "I can't wait for you to come out!"

Ricky- You opened the door to see Ricky standing there worried about you.

"Are you alright? I didn't hear the shower or anything and thought maybe something happened to you. I was worried," he said.

"Yea I'm fine," you replied. You decided to continue hiding the test behind you and hide it on your side of the closet while you changed.

*dinner time*

"Ricky, do you ever see yourself having kids?" you asked. Sure you guys are married but maybe it would be too soon. You wanted a baby but maybe he wouldn't want one anytime soon.

"Of course pumpkin. Then I would always be able to come home to two of my favorite people. I would be able to share not only my joy with you but a little bundle of joy. Why?" he had a confused look when he asked why.

"Oh well I guess in about eight months you will be able to do exactly that," you smiled.

"Wait. You mean we're going to have a baby?"


(Sorry I just had to put yaaassss. I was putting yes but then felt the need to change it)

Sam- You heard Sam walk up the stairs.

"Babe where are you? I know you're home. I saw your car in the driveway," he said slowly getting concerned as to where you are.

You got out of your frozen state quickly hiding the tests underneath a towel and unlocked the door replying back to Sam, "I'm over here."

He walked over to you and gave you a peck on the lips.

"I'm gonna take a shower. And I made dinner reservations for tonight so go get ready," he said walking into the bathroom as You walked out forgetting about the tests.

The door unlocked and Sam called out your name.

"Yea," you replied and that's when you remembered the tests under the towel. You began to get worried since you didn't know how to tell him.

"Are these yours?" Sam asked in curiosity.

"Y-yes?" you gulped as the statement came out as a question.

"That's great!" he exclaimed.

Now you guys had something to celebrate over the dinner he was taking you out to.



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