How He Proposes

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QOTD- Which one do you think was the cutest proposal?

Mine is Kian's. I don't know I find it cute.

-Sheren 💍

How He Proposes:

Connor- Connor has asked you to be in one of his videos and you agreed to it. It was the boyfriend/girlfriend tag. At the end of the video he got up from his seat and pulled you up too. He got down on one knee and asked you, "Well since I got all those questions correct and you did too how about we take one step forward in our lives. Will you be my beautiful wife?"

Ricky- He was on tour and you went along with him. He was on stage singing "Marry Me" by Bruno Mars and he was looking at you the whole time while you guys were dancing. He comes closer to you and asks you, "Y/n we've been together for a long time now and I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?"

Sam- Sam treats you to a home cooked dinner. While you're eating the dessert he made you find a ring in it. He gets up and asks "Y/n you've been my sweet princess for a long time now and I think it's time you become my queen. Will you marry me?"

JC- You guys went to the beach where you ate your favorite food that JC had packed for a picnic. You guys go for a walk around sunset and that is when he asks the four words every girl dreams of hearing from the one they love, "Will you marry me?"

Trevor- Trevor was taking you to his parents' house for dinner and you saw your family was there too. That's different. It was also strange how Trevor was being jittery. After eating dinner everyone went outside and Trevor led you under the gazebo. He got down on one knee and said, "Y/n you are the most amazing and beautiful person I have met. I'm glad I got to spend the past six years with you and I hope to spend the rest of my life with you. With that being said will you do the honors of being my beautiful wife?" You nodded and you guys shared a passionate kiss as your families cheered.

Kian- You and Kian were always up for new adventures and things to do. On the day of your four year anniversary he takes you on a helicopter and you were super excited. You've always wanted to go in one. You guys are up in the sky right now and Kian points to an area. You look over and see that on the ground written in what seems like rose petals it reads, "Will you be my Mrs. Lawley y/n?" You turn your head toward Kian and see him kneeling down on one knee anxiously waiting for your answer.


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