The Secret is Out-JC Caylen REQUESTED

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A requested JC Caylen imagine for @cowshower97

I got done getting ready for my trip to Denver with my amazing boyfriend of about 5 months. We are keeping our perfect relationship a secret since we don't want to get too much hate.

I was wearing an oversized long sleeve southern shirt with my black leggings and bean boots. I put on my hold monogram necklace and gold Anne Klein watch that JC had gotten me a while ago. And yes I said JC as in the famous JC Caylen!

As I just finished getting ready there was a knock on the door and I opened it to see JC looking super sexy! "Hey babe you ready to go?" "Yea let me just get my purse."

We walk out to his car but before you get in you hear something and JC tells you to close your eyes. As you get closer to the noise you realize what it is. He tells you to open your eyes and when you do you see it's a steer!

"Madison I got you this to show you how much I love you!"

"Oh my gosh! JC you didn't have to! I already know how much you love me!"

The steer had a black body with a white tummy and feet along with a white on its nose and feet!

"Come on let's go! I can't wait to show you how much more I love you at the cabin," he says seductively and adds a wink at the end.

"Alright but before we go can we please get something to eat?"

"Of course we can babe"

He drives off to, you guessed it, Taco Bell and goes through the drive-thru. Next he drives to a gas station to get gas and Arizona.

As I'm eating I notice a girl that keeps staring at you guys on her phone but you think nothing of it and ignore it.

My phone keeps on buzzing saying that Sam Pottorff sent me a text. I can't ignore him or else he'll be mad at me.

(M: Madison and S: Sam)

S- hey maddie what's up?
M- nm just with a friend eating
S- want me to come pick you and maybe we can watch a movie at my place? ;)
M- umm I'm sorry but I can't i gtg ttyl
S- k stay beautiful! bye ;)

"Who was that?" JC asked. "It was just Sam again..." you reply.

He pecks you on the lips and we notice the girl evilly giggles.

A while later we are heading to the log cabin while jamming out and screaming/singing to the radio. Our phones wouldn't stop buzzing us so we turned them off without checking the notifications.


We finally arrived after a long drive and we get out of the car and turn our phones back on. When I did I notice 569 calls from Sam along with 669 texts from him. I also had so many twitter notifications and phone calls and texts from others but not as many as I did from Sam. I skimmed through his texts and they seemed as if he were at me but I had no idea why.

I decided to ignore them for now and checked twitter. But before I could JC took my phone from me and told me not to get mad and he seemed like he was really excited about something.

I agreed and when I go on twitter I see that all my notifications are about the same thing and so are the ones JC has. Weird.

I opened to see a photo of when JC had given me a peck on the lips today and a lot of people were commenting with positive and negative comments. No wonder Sam was mad at you in the texts. JC was happy though since he was starting to get annoyed at the fact that he kept on hitting on you but he couldn't do anything about it. You were at first since your relationship was out but seeing JC happy made you happy.

Later that night you guys watched movies and cuddled with each other and excited that you guys no longer needed to keep 'us' a secret from his fans and everyone else but most importantly Sam. You loved Sam as a friend but you were a little annoyed at how he always hit on you.

JC and I have been together for 2 years now and we are happily engaged with a baby on the way. Life couldn't get any better!

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