Ricky's Birthday- Ricky Dillon

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~Kian's POV~

Today is the day Ricky turns 22. JC, Connor and I are taking him out for lunch and then to a movie while Andrea and Jenn set up for his birthday party. This should be a fun day.

We left the house to go to Taco Bell and then the theaters at the Grove. While we were at the Grove Connor had to be the white girl he can be and got Starbucks. Why am I not surprised.

*After the movie ends*

"Well that movie wasn't too bad," I said.

"It could've been better," Ricky says as he put his arm around my shoulder. Now I see why people ship #Rickian (A/N I know they probably don't really do that stuff in a serious matter in my sister it's in a joking way. Just thought I'd clear that up)

We got in the car and I was driving home. I turned up the radio and Taylor Swift's song "22" came on and Ricky was jamming out to it. I mean it was totally his song for the next year.

When we were almost home we all noticed the huge amount of cars parked a few streets away from our house. We had told our friends to not park on the same street as our house so Ricky could get surprised.

Ricky looked sad probably thinking we had forgotten it was his birthday since we hadn't said anything about it all day.

Once we were outside the house I talked really loud to signal to our friends that we were about to go inside. "THAT WAS REAL FUN WE HAVE TO DO IT AGAIN SOON!"

"Kian why are you yelling?" Ricky asked oblivious to what was about to happen.

"Shoot I forgot my keys. Do you any of you guys have yours?"

Connor and JC understood what I was trying to do and shook their heads no.

"Fine I got it," Ricky sassed.

He opened the door and everyone jumped out screaming "SURPRISE!!!!"


"Thank you guys so much! I thought you guys had forgotten."

I know this is total crap and all but I'm really tired. I've had tests and quizzes and week long and I'm low on sleep but I wanted to write an imagine for Ricky's birthday. I didn't have any ideas of what or how to write it so I thought I'd use one of the guys instead of a girl. And well why not Kian? I mean who doesn't like #Rickian?

Anyways vote and comment on this and don't forget to check out my Sam Pottorff fanfic.

Oh *snaps* kay *snaps* see *snaps* ya *snaps* la *snaps* ter!!!

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