My Name --Sam Pottorff

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You and your friends are going to Santa Monica Pier to kick off the summer. You are all soooo excited that you guys are going crazy and who knows you might meet the love of your life! On the drive there you guys are jamming out to One Direction. You guys sing off key getting glares from people passing by.

When you finally arrive at the pier you see the Ferris wheel and your friends want to go on it but you're nervous and you also see a really cute boy and catch him staring at you. They still drag you along but when you're about to go on you tell them, "hey I gotta use the restroom I'll be back soon!" "Okay hurry back y/n!" They yelled back.

As you're walking to the restroom the boy "accidentally" bumps into you making you fall back but he catches you just in time. He strikes up a conversation and suddenly you both begin to lean in inching towards each other and you kiss!

It was t just a normal kiss it was a long and passionate kiss. You felt more than just sparks you felt fireworks! It was the most exciting thing especially since you never felt that when you kissed your ex-boyfriend who you thought was your true love.

The kiss got more and more intense but you pulled away and seductively whispered to him saying, "I think we should get a hotel room and continue in there." He looked at you and quickly agreed.

When you arrive at the hotel you guys continue the kiss. And slowly you guys strip each other's clothing off leaving you both naked. He got up and you were upset thinking he just left you and you were about to leave when you saw him come back with his wallet getting a condom out.

You were happy to see that he actually seemed to have somewhat cared. He came back and you guys did the dirty.

*insert your dirty mind here*


(The next morning)

You wake up naked in an unfamiliar place wondering where you are but when you see the boy you remember where you are and what happened last night.

Suddenly you remember, "oh shoot I forgot about my friends! I'll text them right now and tell them I wasn't feeling well so I left early."

The boy wakes up and says "good morning beautiful! Last night was amazing!" Gosh was his morning voice hot or what?!

He takes you out to breakfast and you guys finally introduce yourselves to each other.

"Hi I'm y/n. I'm happy I met you!" You said.

"I'm Sam Pottorff and I think you're beautiful! No beautiful is an understatement you're more than that and there are no words to explain it. I have a question for you." Sam told you.

You nod your head nervously allowing him to ask you his question. You notice he is nervous to ask you.

"Y/n I know we only met last night and we already did the dirty but I know doing it with you wasn't a mistake because who I first laid my eyes on you I got this weird feeling inside me. I knew there was something special and different about you when I saw you. Now I know that we hardly know each other but I feel different and right when I'm around you and I wanna change things. I wanna get to know you better. Y/n will you be my girlfriend?"

You didn't know what to say since you were speechless. So you nodded your head like crazy. You both exchanged phone numbers and he told you to be ready by 7 that night for your first date. You left and were so excited!


(Five years later)

"Y/n I've known you for 5 years and I'm falling for you more and more each day and night. I can't imagine what life would be like without you. I remember the first time we met, it feels as if it were just yesterday. I want you know that I would one day like to have children and with the girl of my dreams and I already have her now all I need is the other half. But first I want to get married." Sam says as he gets down on one knee at the same spot where you first met. "Y/n will you become Mrs. Sam Pottorff and spend the rest off your life with me?" He asked you half nervous, half excited.

You nod your head and he slips on the engagement ring on your finger as you're crying tears of joy! All of a sudden you hear people cheering and you look up to see that both your families are there along with o2l and your closest friends.

Guys this is my first imagine ive written. this is crap lol

but i thought id put it in this book too for those of you who havent read it

was this better than my other imagines or did i get better?

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