The Airport- REQUESTED Sam Pottorff

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Here is a requested imagine for Nova aka @lovable_pottorff

Enjoy! And don't forget to vote and comment!

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QOTD- What month of the year were you born in? (Please don't give your full birth date or age. It's not safe!)

I was in December! I'm a Fall baby! 🍂🍁🍃

- Sheren 😇


~Nova's POV~

I was at home getting ready to go pick up Sam from the airport. It's almost been a month that he's been on tour with the other guys and I miss him a lot.

*at the airport*

A lady made an announcement saying that Sam's flight has arrived. I got up from seat and stood on it looking in the direction of where he would be entering.

As soon as I spot him in the crowd I began yelling his name.

"Sam!" I screamed as I ran in his direction.

He turned around and looked in my direction and started running in one direction, my direction. When we reached each other he pulled me into a hug and swung me around.

He finally put me down and leaned down and kissed me. "You don't how much I missed you and missed doing that."

"Come on let's go home."

We said bye to all the other guys and walked back to my car. Sam insisted on driving and so I let him. Halfway through the drive home he rested his hand on my thigh. Slowly his hand got slid higher and higher until it came to my lady business.

"Sam focus on the road baby. We can continue what you're beginning when we get home," I said stuttering.

He smirked and laid his hand back down by my knee. Soon we got home and he hurried out the car and carried me bridal style inside our apartment forgetting his bags in the car.

As soon as we inside he attached his lips to mine.


The next day I woke up to with my head in Sam's bare chest. I smiled at the fact knowing that I'm his and he's mine.



Hope you liked it!

Don't forget to vote! I will be writing all requests and hopefully finish them up by the end of this month.

PS my titles suck! I'm bad at coming up with titles. Oh well...😭

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