Morning Text He Sends You

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QOTD- What do you guys use for fly bites?

I woke up yesterday morning to a small fly bite but as the day progressed it got bigger and more itchy. I didn't scratch it but I need to right now. HELP!!! And I'm pretty sure it's not a mosquito bite but I don't know what type of bite it is...

What do I use to help the itching calm down?!

-Sheren 😁

Morning Text He Sends You:

Connor- "Hey beautiful! I hope you slept well! Can't wait to see you later! ☺️"

Ricky- "Good morning pumpkin! I'm sorry I had to leave early this morning for a meeting but I left you a surprise in the microwave 😉"

Sam- "Wake up beautiful! I may be right here next to you but that's not stopping me from sending you a cute morning message 💕"

Jc- "By the time you're reading this message I will most likely be on my plane coming home to you so I hope I can be the first you see in today. ❤️"

Trevor- "Hey! So I was working on a new song last night and I want you to be the first to hear it since it just so happens to be about you 😊"

(Is Trevor's even good? I feel like it sucks 😂)

Kian- "Good morning baby! I have a surprise for you later today. So be ready by 4 😝"

These all suck. Don't they?


Sorry for the late update. I've been really busy!

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