The Best Night Possible- Dirty Connor Franta (REQUESTED)

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Here is a requested dirty Connor Franta imagine for Sammy aka @Sammy_siurano

Connor's age will remain the same which is 21 since there's no need in changing it and Sammy will be 18 so it's legal. Haha. I'm sure Connor wouldn't do this if it weren't legal he would wait!

Anyways now to the dirtiness and again my mom is in the room with me and it may not be very dirty due to that. And just to clear things up I am old enough to have a WattPad account and know about the "dirty" but my parents feel the need to shield me from this sort of stuff so yea.










~Sammy's POV~

I was staying over at the o2l house tonight with my boyfriend of almost a year.

"Connor I'm gonna go take a quick shower!" I yelled from his bathroom.

"I need to take one too! What do you say we take one together and save some water?"

"Sure but nothing dirty happens in there!"

"Yay!" he exclaimed running to the bathroom and stripping out of his clothes and jumped into the shower where I was waiting for him.

After we came out of the shower we both got dressed. I was only wearing one of Connor's shirts which was big on me and a black laced thong along with a pair of booty shorts. During our shower he kept trying to kiss me and I allowed him too but each time it turned into a heated makeout session but I stopped it each time.

When I left the bathroom and stepped into Connor's room he looked up from his phone and stared at me with his mouth open.

"I would close my mouth if I were you. I wouldn't want to catch flies."

He blushed and turned away. I walked over to his pile of dirty clothes and put my clothes from when we went out with those. Then I felt two arms wrap around my waist from behind and I felt his lips on my neck travelling over to my sweet spot. A moan escaped my lips.

"Let's take this to the bed where we can have more fun," he winked as he gently threw me onto his bed. We made out with each other only stopping to take off each other's clothes. I was just left in my thongs and he only had boxers. His boner was noticeably obvious. When he saw my laced black thong he bit his mouth.

"What made you this wet? I didn't I had the capability to do that to such a beautiful girl like you."

With that being said he slowly started to enter his member into my entrance when I told him to be gentle so we wouldn't make to much noise. I didn't want the other guys to hear what was going on or else they would've made fun of us tomorrow morning.

He started off grinding and thrusting into me slowly and gently. After a while his thrusts became quick and sloppier as time was ticking.

"Connor I'm about to cum," I said in between moans.

"Hold it for a second," he said as he started thrusting into me faster and harder as the moment went by. "Now go"

We both hit our climaxes at the same time and the feelings of our liquids fusing together was amazing that it sent a tingly feeling throughout my entire body. I never thought it would feel that amazing.

"Come on let's go to sleep babe," he said.

I went to sleep knowing what I just did was the most amazing thing and having done it with Connor was the best thing about it.









Well I hope you guys enjoyed it! I know it wasn't very graphic and detailed but I was super close to getting caught. I really wanted to do another update because I feel like I owed you guys a double update.

Don't forget to vote and comment! If you would also like an imagine please comment with the request form that you can find at the very beginning of this book.

Also don't forget to check out my Sam Pottorff fanfic titled, "Lost Love Found" Vote and comment on that too with feedback.

*high pitched voice* okaywelltodayididadoubleupdateandtheywerebothdirtyandialmostgotcaughtasdfjkl; BYE!

Please tell me you guys know who that was lol

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