Dirty Pick Up Line He Uses

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QOTD- Have you ever had a crush on someone and then a few years later you find out that they liked you back?

Yes!!! It was in 3rd grade and you know we started talking and his best friend was acting weird around me and slowly started hanging out with other people. But anyways this guy and I would constantly talk and we would always be laughing. I started to like him in fourth grade as we talked and hung out more and then in fifth grade we got somewhat closer. But his best friend came in the way and ruined it. When he got his first phone I was the first person who he asked for their number from and not the best friend. Today I was over at my friend's house and we were working on a project. She went to the same middle school as him (I didn't) and she knew him. Somehow while working on the project he came up and then she started laughing. I asked why she was laughing and she said it was nothing. And I was like as long as it doesn't involve it's fine and then she started laughing more. I'm like are you sure it doesn't involve me? And that's when she gave in and told me. When she last saw her friend from middle school, my friend was telling her something when my name came up and then her friend was like "wait, sheren? That sounds familiar" and then she said that when her and my guy were talking about people who they like(d) my name came up in it. That's when I realized why his best friend would always act weird around me because she was jealous. Everyone in my class in elementary school including me always said that them two would end up being together but 4 years later and that still hasn't happened. I remember when I would go to chuck e cheese for my birthday he was coincidentally there with her too and then he would leave her to hang out with me...oops...

But now I know why and I'm honestly kinda shocked Cuz even though I was guessing he liked me back I didn't think he actually did...

Anyways now that I let that out which I'm 1000000% sure no one bothered to read it let's continue with a preference because you guys deserve one after a very long wait.

It's been over half a month please don't kill me!

-Sheren 😄

Dirty Pick Up Line He Uses:

Connor- "Your face reminds me of a wrench. Every time I think of it my nuts tighten up."

Ricky- "Can I park my car in your garage? Don't worry it may be big but it won't leak."

Sam- "My d!ck just died. Can I bury it in your vägína?"

JC- "Let's play house. You'll be the door and I'll bang you in to it all I want."

Trevor- "If you and I were squirrels I'd place my nuts in your hole."

Kian- "Let's play Titanic! You'll be iceberg and I'll go down!"

(If you know where I got that from you are bae! 😍)

GUYS I MADE 2 INSTAGRAM PAGES!!! ONE IS COOWNED WITH MY BEST FRIEND!!! We post hilarious edits!!! Check it out and give it a follow and spam!!! It's @radicalsarcasm

I also made another where only I run it. It's @youknowyourepersian go give that a follow as well. I post accurate but funny Persian facts! Go follow it to learn more about a different race! It's good for your mind!



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