When It's That Time Of The Month

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QOTD- What is one thing you love about yourself?

I like, keyword like not love like, that I have a body that I am confident and happy with. I'm not exactly what you would call skinny and I'm not big. I just learned to like myself for who I am and not what society wants me to be like. I don't want to be that typical girl that's skinny with the prefect tan that every boy likes mainly for their looks. (No offense to anyone out there.) Guys need to learn that girls might already feel insecure about themselves and just going for the perfect girls will make them feel even more insecure about themselves.

What I'm trying to say here is that everyone should feel happy with themselves no matter what. Whether you're skinny or not. Whether you wear makeup or not. Whether you wear glasses or have contacts. And so on and so on. Just remember guys who go for the perfect girl may not exactly have a perfect girlfriend because their personality won't always be perfect. Yea I mean nobody is perfect but there will always be that one person that you will always believe is in your eyes.

So just keep in mind that any guy will be missing out a girl with an amazing personality that isn't "pretty". Everyone is beautiful in their in own way. And most people express their beauty and perfection throughout their personality not their looks.

Gosh sometimes I think I should like put tape on my own mouth and tape my fingers together or something to keep myself from typing these long things that aren't o2l related or related to whatever it is that I am doing.

But I thought I should remind you beautiful people that no matter what you look like you should be happy with who you are because that is what truly matters.

Always put your personality over your worries of what you look like.

You all beautiful!

Ps I saw I had over 20k reads on this book so I decided that whether I'm tired or not I will update for you guys no matter to celebrate this many reads! And I also got 100+ followers on here so I had to update!!!

Also I was gonna upload this a few hours ago when I got home but I was really tired and fell asleep, I got no sleep last night, and yea but it's up now!!!

Thanks guys! You guys are amazing!

-Sheren 😘

When It's That Time Of The Month:

Connor- I wasn't feeling too well today and my boyfriend just left me not telling me where he was going. I kept tossing and turning in bed as I groaned in pain due to the terrible cramps I had. Connor soon came back with a bag in hands. It was filled with chips and other yummy snacks. In his other hand was two drinks from Starbucks.

Ricky- I wasn't feeling too well and all I wanted to do was lay in bed all day long and cuddle with Ricky. He soon came to your apartment and came straight to your bed and laid next to you. As you two cuddled he rubbed his warm hand over your stomach and soon the cramps were gone.

Sam- I woke up early in the morning next to my handsome boyfriend. I smiled at the sight of him but soon my smile disappeared and a pain look replaced it. I groaned in pain and Sam must've woken up from that. "Are you alright y/n?" heasked concerned. "Yea just a few cramps," I sighed. He left without saying another word and when he returned he had a heating pad in his hands and placed it on your stomach. He's so caring and sweet that I didn't even have to ask him to do that and he still did it.

JC- "I'm hungry!" I whined to JC. "Alright, alright I'll go get you food," he chuckled. He came back with Hot Cheetos, brownies and all the other junk foods I like to eat during Mother Nature's monthly visits. We watched tv as we ate and laughed messing around with each other.

Trevor- Since Trevor and I are only 15 he didn't know what was okay to do and not to do during my time of the month. He was also so concerned and worried about me that it was adorable but got a little annoying some times. I would just tell him to put on a movie and that was exactly what he would do as you would both cuddle in bed all day long.

Kian- I was staying over at the o2l house. When I woke in the morning and went to the bathroom I saw I had received my monthly visit. I didn't have any of my feminine products with me so I woke Kian up asking him to get me some from the store. Being the amazing boyfriend he is he went out and bought you the things you needed and also got you your favorite ice cream and a few other things he thought you would like.


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