Thank You!!!!

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I'm sorry if you guys were expecting this to be another imagine but instead I wanted to thank you guys for over 1000 reads.



If you liked my imagines I have good news! I am also writing MagCon imagines! So be sure to go check those out too and vote and comment on those too!

If you also want to read a full fanfiction instead instead of just a short imagine I am writing one on the hot Sam Pottorff of our2ndlife! So go check that out too it's called "Lost Love Found"! Vote and comment that with feedback!

I am also sorry for the lack of updates but I am on spring break so I will be updating more often and I will be doing the requests first so look out for those!

Well until next time, bye!

Our2ndLife Imagines and PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now