You Find Out You're Pregnant (Part 1):

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QOTD- Do you know how to swim?

I don't. 😒

-Sheren 😎

You Find Out You're Pregnant (Part 1):


~Married for three years~

You were at your best friend's house babysitting her two adorable children. You were a little sad considering the fact that as much as you and Connor have tried, you had no luck.

Your friend's daughter had asked you if you could cook her something to eat. You asked her what she wanted and she asked for some scrambled eggs.

You went to the kitchen to cook and when you cracked the egg opened there was a really bad smell. You brought the egg closer to your nose thinking it was spoiled. You thought you should let your friend know so you called her.

"Hey I know you're busy right now but I thought I should let you know that as I was cooking some scrambled eggs, there was a spoiled smell coming from them," you said.

"Umm are you sure cause I mean I bought those eggs yesterday and they were fresh," she replied.

"Yea I'm pretty sure."

"Well you're normally fine with the smell of eggs so maybe you're like this because you might have a baby inside of you.." she trailed off. "I have a test in my bathroom closet. Go take it and find out."

"Alright. Bye," you said.

You went upstairs forgetting that you had to make her daughter some food. You entered her bathroom, found the test and followed the instructions. You waited for what seemed like years. When it was time to see the results you saw a plus sign. You checked the box and it said that a plus sign means you are pregnant.

You were super excited. You finally have a baby inside of you. You can't wait to tell Connor.

As soon as your friend came back you left and went home. You couldn't wait to tell Connor the great news.


~Married for two months~

It has been about a month since you and Ricky have frickle frackled and that was on the first night of your honeymoon. Your period is a little late and normally if anything happens, it's early not late. You decided to call your mom since you were beginning to get worried.

"Hey sweetie! How are you?" your mom was super thrilled to hear your voice.

"I'm fine mom. I was wondering is it normal if my period is a little late?"

"Well it depends. Have you and Ricky done it?"

"Uh yes," you stuttered embarrassed of telling your mom.

"Ooh! Then maybe you should take a few pregnancy tests! Who knows maybe I can finally be a Grandma!"she squealed. She's always been excited to be one.

"Ok then I'll go buy some and see. I'll call you back after to let you know."

You went to the store and bought some. Then you went back home and saw Ricky was home too. You didn't want him to see what was inside the bag so you his behind you.

"Oh hey y/n? What's in the bag?" Ricky asked giving you a kiss on the cheek.

"Huh? Oh this? Oh ummm it's nothing. I'll be back soon!" you said running up the stairs to the bathroom quickly locking the door.

You heard mumble, "Well that wasn't weird."

You took the tests and waited as patiently as you could, even though it was difficult. When it was time to finally see the results you saw a plus sign.

That's when you heard a knock on the bathroom door. "Y/n, baby, are you alright? You've been in there for a really long time already?"

You freaked out. You didn't know how to tell him but you had to sooner or later and sooner would be better.

You hid the test behind your back and opened the door.


~Married for almost one year~

You and Sam were over at his mom's house. Sam was in the living room hanging out with Levi while you were in the kitchen helping his mother. You were starting to involuntarily yawning a lot. You didn't know why but you have been very tired lately.

"Y/n, sweetie, are you sure you don't want to go upstairs and rest for a while?" she asked once again.

"No, no I'm fine but thanks for the offer," you kindly smiled at her.

She gave you a strange look. "Umm I know this is going to sound strange but umm have you and Sam, you know done it? And be honest."

"Y-yea," you were nervous for her response.

"Well when I was pregnant with Sam I was usually very tired. And that was as early as about 2 weeks after he was conceived. Maybe you should take a test?"

"Do you really think so? I mean I'll still take the test but I don't know," you were beginning to get nervous at the thought of it.

*the next day*

You has just gotten back home from the store where you bought a numerous amount of tests and of course a lot of soda to help with the process of it.

You took each test following the instructions. They all showed a plus sign meaning you are pregnant.

You started to think, "What if Sam isn't ready for this?" "Am I ready for this myself?" "Sure we've been married for about a year now but is it too soon?"

You froze when you heard the front door open and Sam yelling, "Babe, I'm home!"


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