Chapter One: New Year's Resolutions

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*Princey's POV*

He can sing. Anxiety can sing. I never knew he liked singing, let alone had the ability to do so. Although the lyrics were a bit negative for my taste, I found myself unable to stop thinking about his voice. That voice...

Let's face the facts and come to terms, it's time to realize

These goals are only merely hope we quickly leave behind,

They're lies, lies, lies, lies, lies

I was entranced. Sure, we all had similar vocal tones, so none of us could be particularly bad at singing, but I was not expecting this from Anxiety. I had assumed his singing voice (if he had one) would be deep and raspy, like Maleficent's roar; yet, here this dark, exhausted trait stands, delivering smooth notes in the most wonderful way. I was happy he continued to rant about how Thomas wouldn't-- or rather, shouldn't bother with goals for the New Year, so I took this opportunity to compose myself. I couldn't be caught gawking at Anxiety when it was my turn to sing. I had to stay on track for the video.

I turned my attention toward Thomas, jumping in to sing as it was my turn. I chalked my earlier daze about Anxiety up to shock. Yes, shock. That's probably it--

Don't kid yourself, you know your year can't be that sublime

There it is again. This time, his notes were lower; still not the booming, intense voice I had initially suspected, no, his notes were more... jazzy. I couldn't deny it, Anxiety had a lovely voice. It was almost... angelic.

However, I didn't allow myself to be phased by his sweet, melodic drawl this time. I stayed focused on the video, harmonizing with Thomas when the time was right, and I was thankful when Thomas ended the song. If I heard Darth Vader belt out another note sounding soft as kitten fur, I may faint on sight. Although, I did keep my eyes on Anxiety as he huffed.

"You sicken me! You can't always rely on a catchy tune to solve your problems." Anxiety protested.

"I disagree." I informed him, while dancing to the little ditty. It was quite catchy.

"Ugh! It's gonna be stuck in my head all day." Anxiety grumbled wall sinking down, back into the Mind.

'Good,' I thought. 'Maybe I'll get to hear him sing later.'

We finished out the video and Thomas suggested that, for the end card, I ask Anxiety about his New Year's resolution. I thought it was a bit silly, considering he would probably just roll his tired eyes at me, but I did not want to disappoint Thomas. He always made sure the four of us felt included, even Anxiety who was the biggest antagonist in Thomas' story. The villain. The bad guy.

"Hey, Anxiety, if you had to have a New Year's resolution, what would it be?" I asked the darker trait.

Anxiety seemed to mull it over in his head before answering, "Probably to find darker eyeshadow to better match my soul." He said affirmatively.

I was at a loss for words. Eyeshadow? As a resolution? What on earth?

"You- are an emo nightmare." I informed him.

"Thank you."

Thank you.

His words echoed in my head. Never before had I heard those two words pass Anxiety's chapped lips. It sounded odd... not bad, not sarcastic either. Genuine.

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