Chapter Twenty-Nine: Patton-Cake

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(Logicality based chapter, apologies for the lack of Prinxiety)

-- One month later --

*Morality's POV*

I let out a small yawn as I heard my alarm clock ringing next to me on my bedside table. With a smile, I clicked down on Spongebob's Krusty Krab hat to make him stop laughing. Best Christmas gift ever!

I opened up my eyes and softly giggled at how blurry my ceiling looked without my glasses on. I reached over towards my bedside table and placed them on the bridge of my nose.

"Ah, much better." I spoke quietly as I let out a big ol' stretch to get the joints nice and limber so I could go about today's activities. I peered over to the left side of my bed and giggled softly at Logan, still fast asleep.

Boy, he sure was a heavy sleeper! I'll let him get his rest though; he was working extremely hard last night revising a video schedule for Thomas, I had to practically drag him to bed.

Before I got up to make breakfast, I took a view moments just to take in his sleeping form; he looked so gosh darn cute, and even without his glasses, he looked smart. I leaned in closer, watching his eyes move rapidly behind his closed eyelids and it caused the ends of my lips to quirk upward into a smile.

I gently reached my hand up to move some of his hair out of his face so it wouldn't tickle him and wake him up.

"Whatcha' dreamin' about, Logie bear? Doing some calculations in your head?" I said just below a whisper for fear of waking my sleeping love. At first, I was worried I had woken him when he moved, but he just shuffled closer towards me in his sleep, which made my heart beat and smile grow. I am so lucky to have him. He's the greatest teacher ever. I know he only teaches math or rhetoric, but he teaches me every single day.

I knew what it was like to love your family, I knew what it was like to love your friends, but I had never known the terrifying, wonderful state of constant fear and elation of truly loving someone. Loving their heart, loving their mind, loving their faults and the differences that try to distance the two of you.

Logan has taught me what it is like to constantly want to be by someone's side, to envision your entire life with them and to lose a little piece of your heart if that vision is ever shattered. He's taught me not only how to love, but to allow someone to love me wholeheartedly. As a father, I douse all of my kiddos with pure, unconditional love, but ask any parent: your love can never be matched. You have so much love and room in your heart for your little one that they will never ever be able to comprehend since you're on two different planes of life.

With a partner, the playing field is evened out. Your love sprouts and grows and the two of you nurture it together. I may know a whole heck of a lot when it comes to family love, but this experience with Logic was uncharted territory for both of us. If we ever became lost at sea, there wouldn't be one moment that I would be afraid, because I would have the man I love by my side.

I smiled extra brightly and leaned over, placing a light, tender peck to Logan's cheek before carefully crawling out of bed and walking towards the kitchen in the common area. I hummed a small tune to myself as I propped open the cabinet and scanned its contents for my favorite bowl. I thought about the last time I spoke to Roman when I saw his red bowl, I thought about how he was having some serious separation issues from Anxiety, when I saw his black bowl and I wondered how my advice helped.

Those two really should just get married, I thought to myself as I shook the plastic baggie to allow a sea of corn flakes to fall into my bowl. Everyone around here acts so smart all the time, like they have all the answers and Patton is just the naive, oblivious one, but I take more notice than they give me credit for. I've known Roman and Anxiety were in love for as long as I can remember, I knew when they continued to date on the "D.L." as the kids call it and I knew when Logic secretly acquired a taste for dancing.

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