Chapter Twenty-Three: Netflix and Cuddles

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*Princey's POV*

I'd been to Disneyland and Disney World a very fair amount of times in my life (of course, not as many times as I'd like), and one question has always perplexed me and been a looming query over every visit: what is my favorite ride? It was equivalent to asking a parent to choose a favorite child: cruel and uncalled for. How could one match the adrenaline-inducing wonder of Cars Land to the childlike joy of riding the teacups to the unfavorable classic, It's A Small World? Each ride in Disney had its wonderful peaks and elicited magical experiences. I've never been able to find something at Disneyland that I love unequivocally...

That is, until tonight. 

I found something in Disneyland that undoubtedly takes my breath away. Something that I holds even more magic, wonder, and possibility. Something that I would wait years in line for, walking barefoot across broken glass and pebbles just to get to. Something that excites me more than plotting the fastest course to the next ride. Something more exciting than fireworks, churros, and Indiana Jones. 

I found him. 

I found love. 

"Y-you love me?" I asked, hoping to high heaven that I heard him right. I don't want to stake all my hopes on a miscommunication. Although, I sort of already have staked everything on him, so I hope I heard him correctly. 


"I love you, Roman. I would say I love you with all my heart if I actually had one." He added, with a chuckle, pursing his lips together and looking down at me. I suppose he was waiting for a reaction. Waiting for me to say it back or smile or kiss him. I just couldn't figure out how to express my happiness. He FINALLY said it back! Oh, my stars! He said it. He actually said it. I don't know whether to dance or sing, or... no, I know. The perfect way to solidify our love. A grand gesture. 

I clasped his hand in mine, tighter than I've ever held onto anything before. I felt my heart ticking faster and faster as the words flew from my brain to my mouth and out into the open. 

"Anxiety, will you marry me?"

"What?! No!!" He yanked his hand back and looked back at me like I grew a second head. 

"What? What do you mean 'no'?" 

"I mean, no! How many other meanings are there? I'm not marrying you."

"Why not?!" I whined, more like a child getting refused dessert before dinner than a man's proposal being rejected. 

"Princey, have you ever had a relationship last longer than the length of a Disney movie?"

I paused momentarily. Have I?

"Okay, there ya go. If you have to think about it, then you haven't. This isn't how relationships work. Not real ones. You don't jump from I-Love-You's to marriage. We're not going to get married. This is our first date." 

Oh, yeah. It was our first date. We'd had a panic attack as a result of a horrible phobia, an admission of love and a marriage proposal all before we had dinner. 

"Oh, I guess you're right. We did sort of jump to a lot of huge moments." I mused. 

A few moments of silence befell us before we both couldn't contain it and burst into fits of laughter. 

Anxiety was bent over laughing so hard and I was clapping my hands together like some nonsensical circus act. 

"You literally told me you loved me on our first date!" I said between body-shaking chuckles. 

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