Chapter Nineteen: Do You Trust Me?

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(I included an Ariana Grande song in this chapter last minute as a tribute to the victims and families of the bombing at Ariana's Manchester concert last night. Keeping them in my thoughts Xx )

*Anxiety's POV*

"Princey, there's something I need to tell you..."

I couldn't just not tel him what I'd done. That's no way to start off a relationship, especially one that I'm in.

Tonight had been incredible. So much kissing, so much cuddling, I never thought I'd like cuddling but it was just like a hug that never ended but like ten times better.

I couldn't go on, though, without telling Roman the truth. That didn't feel right.

"What is it, Anxiety?" He asked, pressing his lips to my jaw.

I took my bottom lip between my teeth and tried to suppress both the smile and the blush that grew on my face, but it was nearly impossible. Not with him.

"I, um...I need to be honest with you about something. I...sort of did something a few times- well, several times and I feel really awful about it because it wasn't right and I didn't have your consent and looking back on it, it was probably the creepiest thing ever and you'll probably hate me when I tell you--"

"Hey, hey, hey," his soft voice soothed as his hand brushed some of my bangs out of my face. "Don't say that. I could never hate you. I love you. Whatever you did, I'm sure it wasn't that bad." He told me, lacing our fingers together and resting them on my chest, just over where my heart is. "Go on, Anx, tell me." He encouraged, lifting our intertwined hands up to his lips and placing a sweet kiss to the back of my hand.

I blushed fiercely, he was a charmer, I'll give him that. With a deep breath and a silent prayer, I divulged everything I had done.

"Okay, well, do you remember on Halloween, when it was storming really bad that one day and Morality made us watch that stupid movie?"

"The Nightmare Before Christmas? That's an amazing movie, what are you talking abou--"

I shot him an agitated glare and he immediately shut up.

"Sorry, not the point. Go on." He encouraged, placing another kiss to my shoulder.

I bit down on my lip once more and tried to continue if Prince Pink Lips would keep his hands to himself long enough for me to explain.

"Well, despite what you may think, Halloween is actually really difficult for me and so is that movie. I'm afraid of skeletons and all of Tim Burton animation sort of gives me the heebie jeebies and I was holed up in my room but I was just so scared and terrified and the storm wasn't helping and I needed someone to protect me and tell me it would be alright. So, naturally, the first person I thought of was you and I went to your room and I tried to wake you up but you're a really heavy sleeper"...I felt my words trail off, but I knew  I had to keep going, I had to tell him what I did. "You looked so peaceful while sleeping and I knew I'd be safe with you so long story short...I sort of snuck into bed with you and slept with you and I've been doing that every single night up until the Dark Side of Disney video because I thought you found out and I thought you hated me or were grossed out but I just needed to sleep and I felt safe in your bed next to you and I know this probably sounds disgusting and creepy and you probably want to leave right now, and I know I'm always going on and on about consent and I'm really--"

My apology was cut off by a pair of ruby red lips pressing against my own. I was shocked that he actually kissed me after that, but I returned the gesture nonetheless.

" aren't mad? Or you did that to shut me up?" I asked after we broke away from the kiss.

"Both." He told me with a smile. "Anxiety, it's perfectly normal to be afraid to sleep alone. I get it, you needed someone to protect you, but you really should have woken me up. I would have let you sleep with me."

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