Chapter Eight: Holding Out for a Hero

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*Princey's POV*

I ran, hand-in-hand with Anxiety as fast and as far as we could to escape the demon that trailed closely behind us. Anxiety had no idea what we were facing, but I knew all too well; the Dragon-Witch. 

He was an evil sorcerer, one I had faced many a-time during my escapades in the Enchanted Forest, Fairytale Land, and other mystical locations. I had hoped after the last time we dueled to never see him again. Clearly, Thomas had other plans. 

I ran with Anxiety to a small barn that could offer us some shelter. 

"There," I panted. "We should be safe here for now." I told him, leaning my hands on my knees and slightly wheezing. 

"Safe from what?! What was that thing?" Anxiety drilled.

I sighed and slumped against the old, decrepit wood beam and looked up at him.

"That, Anxiety, was a Dragon-witch." I told him.

"A what? I'm lost, I don't speak Fairytale."

I sighed and began to tell him the dreadful tale. 

"The Dragon-Witch is an evil sorcerer whom roams the land looking for royals to kidnap and enslave them. He has the power to turn them into his evil bat minions and if they are turned young enough, they remain that way permanently."

"Okay, so what does Dinosaur-Wizard--

"Dragon-Witch," I corrected him.

"--Dragon-Witch, want with us? I'm not royalty and all you are is a royal pain in the a--

"If you would let me finish my story, I could tell you!" I huffed. He was not making this any easier. "I have dueled the dreaded thing many a-time. Last time, however, things got a tinge more personal."

"How personal?" Anxiety questioned. 

"Well, you see, everyone here has a true love, even the most evil of beings. The Dragon-Witch's true love was turned into a bat long ago by an even more wicked creature; I dare not even speak her name. At the time, he had kidnapped the newborn princess and I was tasked with getting her back. I did, of course, I never fail a mission. While I was scaling the tower to retrieve the infant princess, I was fighting off his army of bats and I slayed one...which happened to be his true love." I admitted. Even I felt guilty for destroying his love. If I were ever lucky enough to find true love and they were killed, I would probably stalk the earth, seeking revenge as well.

"So, you killed his girlfriend and now he wants to kill you?"

"Yes, haven't you been listening?"

"Well, if we weren't in danger of being eaten alive, I would be laughing hysterically at you because that is just so typical."

"What do you mean 'typical'?" I glared at Anxiety. 

"That you could take even the simplest of missions and flounce it up."

"It wasn't my fault! He shouldn't have sent his true love into battle! I mean, who does that? If you ask me, he wasn't the best boyfriend--

Our arguing was cut off by the same loud roar we had heard earlier, only this time, it was louder. Much louder. The Dragon-Witch was close by and we had to make a break for it. 

"Come on, we can finish arguing later!" I told him, running out of the barn, and as luck would have it, I knew exactly how to outrun this thing. I brought my fingers to my lips and whistled, summoning the most beautiful of mighty steeds; a white horse, trotting towards me and neighing as she approached me. What a beautiful specimen. 

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