Chapter Three: This is Halloween

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(Warning: Halloween chapter. Slightly intense.)

*Anxiety's POV*

I continued to pester Thomas about his video. I told him that there was no point in uploading, so he may as well eat three large pizzas to himself and call it a night; but, that boy was in too cheery of a mood. I hate cheery. I could tell I wasn't phasing him and it was stupid to even try, so I headed back up to the Mind. 

I wonder if Princey has chilled out by now, he seemed pretty flustered throughout the video, which was fun to watch, but he seemed agitated before I got there, which was weird. I'll probably skip on going to his room tonight. I know I shouldn't be going in there at all, but desperate times called for horrific measures. 

~~ Flashback to three months ago ~~

Halloween. The one day a year where you get to dress up in ridiculous costumes and demand candy from random strangers. What a joke. 

Everybody just assumes I love Halloween because I'm the darker personality trait. I don't even know where they got this idea that this is my favorite holiday, they couldn't be more far off. I mean, I'm Anxiety, of course the idea of having to open the door to 50+ strangers in one night freaks me out. The fear that you didn't buy enough candy, so the little brats will TP your house, or you bought way too much and wasted your money? Watching scary movies all by yourself in the dark? Dressing up as horrifying characters from movies and TV shows? Who comes up with this stuff? The entire idea of Halloween makes me- you guessed it- anxious!

I despise October 31st and I especially hate being scared. None of the other traits knew this, thankfully, otherwise, Morality would have a field day with my fear. To avoid being scared at all costs, I just hide in my room, in the close for good measure and wait until it's November. When the public starts prepping for the fat intruder you're supposed to leave baked goods for, I know it's safe to come out. Today, though, stupid Morality, insisted  that the four of us watch a movie together. 

"Okay, kiddos, we have three movies to chose from here." Morality said cheerfully, holding up three VHS tapes that looked anything but fun. That goon was definitely stuck in the past. 

"Why can't we watch 'Mickey's House of Villains', guys?" Princey pouted. 

"Well, All Hallow's Eve current cultural tradition is to watch a 'scary' movie, typically, a 'slasher film' or 'gore fest' is deemed appropriate by the viewing party. Logic said, using way too many air quotes. 

I silently groaned and tightened the strings on my hoodie to enclose it around my face. This was stupid and I didn't wanna be here. I laid on the couch, stretching my legs out to make sure no one sat next to me. The three morons bickered until deciding on 'The Nightmare Before Christmas'. Ugh. I hated that movie! It's so stupid, why is it even a Halloween movie when it has 'Christmas' right in the title? I laid my head down and avoided the screen at all costs. No one else knew this either, but skeletons really freaked me out. 

To avoid having to look at the TV, I turned my eyes on the others. Morality was whispering some dad joke about pumpkins into Logic's ear. Logic visibly sighed, but he looked comfortable. Their legs were touching and Logic's arm rested behind Morality's head on the couch. Even if Logic couldn't admit it, he enjoyed Morality's company. I guess when your head is so full of facts and figures, it's sort of a breath of fresh air to have someone around who only understands feelings. 

I shook my head at them and let my eyes drift toward Princey. He was wearing a stupid outfit. He dressed up as a king, super creative, Creative Side; he was wearing a carbon copy of his white shirt, except red and his usual red sash was replaced with a gold one, plus he added a crown and a sword. He looked utterly ridiculous... and yet, he still, kind of, sort of, in a way, I guess, looked... brave. He looked like he could fight off an entire army of skeleton monsters, which made sense. I mean, nothing scared princes. For some reason, I felt... calm? On Halloween, which never happened. 

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