Chapter Thirty-Three: Missing Pieces

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*Princey's POV*

I paced back and forth, eager for my Sunshine to show up so we could talk out whatever was bothering him, and... hopefully... pop the question.

I decided to leave the ring in my room. I didn't want to overwhelm him and make him feel like he had to say yes just because I bought a ring. I also wanted our moment to just be about us and not about the glitz and glamour. I know that if he ever gave his life to someone, he would want it to be for love and not for pageantry. I'd even give up a wedding if it meant being with him, which sounds insane coming from me.

It was true, though. I often liken our relationship to stripped version of songs. You take away all of the bells and whistles, you're left with just beautiful lyrics and sweet melodies. That was us, at our very core. We didn't need to embellish our relationship because it was beautiful as a stand alone entity.

I checked my watch for the sixth time in 10 seconds and I realized I had to calm down. If Anxiety truly wanted to be here, he'd be here. I have to trust that he'll show up and I have to be okay with the fact that he might not.

I took a deep breath and imagined his face to calm me down. I did that a lot. I may seem like I have it together 100% of the time, but princes get anxious too. Whenever I do, Anxiety is the one who is usually able to calm me down, even if he isn't aware of it. No, the irony is not lost on me, but it's true. Sometimes, when I feel nervous or anxious, I'll just picture him standing there, cracking one of his stupid jokes and it just... it makes it all better. The thought of makes me feel at home, it's just so familiar--


I looked around at my surroundings. Where was I? Why was I at the pond? It was so late, I should be in bed getting my beauty sleep!

"Hey there, Princey." I heard a voice crack out.

I jumped a bit before turning around to see Anxiety. Ugh. What was he doing here? Did he follow me? That was a bit creepy.

"Jeez, Darth Vader, can you not sneak up on me like that?" I snapped. "It's the middle of the night, I thought you were a murderer or something. I don't even know why I'm here in the first place..." I trailed off. Really, why was I here? I didn't have my sword, so I wasn't here to rescue anyone. This was all very suspicious, but I figured I was maybe just sleepwalking.

"S-sorry, Princey. I um, I saw you here and I thought--" he began. This must have been his doing. Why else would I be out here? He must have planned this whole thing. This is what he does. He resorts to trickery and schemes just for a cheap laugh. Well, not today.

"What? That you'd try to scare me? Rude much! Ugh, sometimes I really don't like you." I told him, walking off. I don't know why I suddenly felt so sullen and angry. It almost feels like a part of me was suddenly... gone.

When I got back to the house, I was surprised to see Morality and Logic were still awake. They were both sitting at the kitchen table staring at the phone with an uncomfortably hard gaze.

I approached them slowly, they clearly hadn't slept.

"Um, fellas?"

"Shh!!" Logic shushed me, raising a finger up as he glared at the device. "We're waiting on a phone call." He informed me, his gaze never leaving the phone.

"From who--"

"Son, we love ya, kiddo, but, leave." Morality said, his hands clasped together as if in prayer position, looking at the phone with a pleading expression.

"But, I just--

"LEAVE!!" They both screeched at me.

I ran off to my room in a hurry. I did not want to face the fury of those two. I decided I should just head to bed and ask them what was up in the morning.

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