Chapter Four: You've Got a Friend in Me

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*Princey's POV*

"Morality, I don't know what to do," I confessed to the fatherly trait. "My thoughts are jumbled, my heart is racing and I feel so crummy inside." I flopped down sideways onto his bed and groaned.

"Awe, kiddo, it'll be okay. You just have to remember that whatever is causing you to feel these feelings isn't as strong as your resolve. You are mightier than any problem you face." Morality smiled, always offering little cup fulls of hope when I'm feeling down. Thankfully, he was kind enough to listen to my problem and naive enough to not ask who else this concerned. If my..issues got out, I would die of embarrassment. 

"What do you suggest I do to combat this, Morality?" I asked while my fingers traced one of the many sunshine emojis that was printed onto his blanket. I was desperate to do something to ease my mind. Something. Anything. 

"Well, what usually calms you down when you're like this?" He questioned, offering me some cream of broccoli soup. Blech. I would never touch that stuff. 

"Disney movies. Singing. Looking at myself in the mirror. I've tried them all, though, and they have all failed." I frowned. This was pointless; if none of my usual methods would make me feel better, what would? 

"Well, maybe watching  Disney movies isn't enough..." Morality mused, stroking his chin as if he had a beard there. 

"What do you mean?" I pressed.

" should be in a Disney movie!" Morality stated with a huge smile on his face. 

"What? Morality, how on earth do you suggest I do that?" I asked him. I needed hope, not complete and utter delusion. 

"Well, maybe you need to dive right into the heart of what makes you happiest; that's Disney, right?" Morality asked and continued without waiting for a response from me. "Disney is your favorite thing in the world, it distracts you from everything that is causing you trouble, so maybe Disney is the answer!"

"Well...yes, that's all well and good, Morality, but how do I insert myself into a Disney--

"Bizaardvark!" Morality screeched. 


"Don't you remember, Princey?! A year ago when Thomas was asked to be on the Disney channel show, Bizaardvark." 

Yes. Bizaardvark. That's it! Thomas was going to be in a Disney channel show! I had completely forgotten all about that! How could I? It was Disney!! 

"Morality, you're a genius!" I cried out. This was the perfect opportunity to get my mind off of Anxiety. 

I'll just throw myself into the show, rehearsing lines and rejoicing over the fact that Thomas gets to be in a Disney show! A DISNEY SHOW!  This was the greatest idea ever! 

"Thank you, Morality!" I smiled at him. 

"No problemo, kiddo. Hey, Princey, what do you do when Disney isn't working?" 

"I don't know, Morality--" I sighed. 

"You use dat knee!" Morality guffawed as I smacked my palm to my forehead. I chuckled though; as lame as his dad jokes were, Morality was still my best friend. 

* Morality's POV*

I smiled as Princey's spirits immediately lifted up. He was so gosh darn sad earlier, I was happy to make him feel better. I sure hope whatever made him so upset stops disrupting his life. He deserves better. He shot straight up and started reciting his monologue in preparation for shooting the episode. I chuckled to myself and watched him for a bit; as he drifted into his own little world, I decided it would be a good time to write in my journal. 

Dear, journal, how are you journal? Are you having a good day? Well, I sure hope so, because I am having a fan-tabulous day! I helped our little Princey through an issue and he seems to be feeling so much better. I love whenever the kiddos come to me for help, it makes me feel oodles of happiness and joy! Oo! I've also made a total of seven dad jokes today and it's not even 2:00 yet! That's a new record! Heehee! I really hope that our little talk helped Princey out; he didn't tell me much, but I have a feeling it has something to do with-- 

Ooh! I almost forgot, again, Logic taught me a new word today! Aesthetic! He said that it has to do with beauty or the appreciation of beauty. What a wonderful word! How sweet was Logic to take the time to teach it to me? He was so adorable while he was teaching with his little laser pointer. Ah, I wonder if he--

Oh! Princey's leaving. I'm waving goodbye. I'm glad he feels better, I really hope he doesn't get this upset again. All of this could really be avoided if Anxiety would just tell Princey how much he's hopelessly in love with him. 

Oo! One more thing! I also made a delicious batch of cream of broccoli soup! Cream of broccoli? More like cream of broc-yummy! Haha! That's eight! 

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