Chapter Ten: I'm Coming Home

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*Anxiety's POV*




I groaned and rubbed my head; this storm was not playing games. I sat myself up and looked all around the ship. The force of the waves must have knocked me over; I brushed myself off and stood up, taking in all the damage that's been done. My eyes widened when a flash of lightning tore through the sky and struck our mast. 

"No! Quick, Princey, we need to abandon ship!" I looked around for the fanciful royal, my eyebrows furrowing together when I didn't see any sign of him. 

"Princey, where are you?" I called out once more, looking around for him. Panic began to set in as I ran like a madman all around the ship before a blood-curdling sound struck my ears. 

"An--ty! Help! HELP!!!! 'M dr--ing! HELP!!!!!!!!!"

My body stiffened and I could feel the color leaving my face as the fear overcame me. I ran towards the edge of the boat where I saw my prince flailing about and desperately trying to fight for air. 

"Princey!!!!!!!" I screamed out to him. 

"Anxiety!! Can't swim!! Help me!!" He shouted in between breaths. Without even a second thought, I shredded my hoodie and jumped onto the edge of the boat. All my eyes could lock onto was Princey desperately trying to float and I knew what I had to do. I dove into the ocean, headfirst and let the water envelope my body.

My hands searched all around for him, but to no avail. I peered my eyes open under the water and caught a flash of white in my peripheral vision. I wasted no time in swimming towards him; my arms wrapped around his waist and I pulled both of us up to the surface with all my might. Once both of our heads popped up, I looked at Princey to ensure he was alright. My blood went cold when all I saw was his head hanging down and his eyes closed. 

'No.' I thought. 'Not today.'

I kept Princey in my iron grip as I scaled the side of the ship. With a giant heave, I was able to get both of us back onto the main deck. I laid Princey down and pressed my ear to his wet chest. Nothing. 

"Princey, come on!" I yelled, covering one of my hands with the other and proceeding to pump his chest. Still, his eyes remained shut. 

"No," I told his limp form. "You're not leaving me that easily." I brought his head up onto my lap and tilted his head back. If I don't save him, this is my fault. 

My fault. 

My fault. 

I leaned down and slowly began to breathe air into his mouth. This had to work. It will work. I breathed a few puffs and then gazed up at him. 

"Princey, please..." I silently begged as I dipped my head back down and delivered a few more breaths of air. 

"Please, don't leave me." I whispered, realizing that the wetness I felt on my face wasn't just from the ocean anymore. I began to sob when I couldn't see those chocolatey orbs flicker open or his lips contort into that signature smirk. 

I began to cry onto his chest, feeling weak, feeling hopeless, knowing there was nothing I could do. 

My mourning, however, was cut short by the sound of Princey sputtering and coughing...


I lifted my head up and watched as Princey coughed up water and gagged, clearing his throat and his eyelids flickering open.

"Wh-.." He looked around in disarray before his eyes landed on me. 

"Anxiety..." He said softly. 

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