Chapter Twenty: Love is A Mystery

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(Just a warning/apology in advance: The points of view in this chapter switch around a lot and very rapidly, so I'm sorry if this confuses anyone, I tried to make it as clear as possible. Hope you enjoy!)

*Logic's POV*

"Morality, I'm telling you, sometimes the best way for any type of relationship to prosper is to allow adequate intervals of solitude for each party so that they do not impede the relationship's progress." I informed Morality as we walked up the driveway and towards the Mind. "Our 'romantic getaway' as you seem to be keen on calling it, coupled with the hypersensitive nature of Valentine's Day and our recent proclamation of love for one another was too much... how shall I put this... 'Logicality' for one 24-hour period. We simply can't spend that much time together at once, or else we may overload on one another's company and that could cause a riff between the two of us, which is not conducive to two traits attempting to make a relationship function." Last night was supposed to be an enjoyable evening to kickstart our weekend together, but it just morphed into the biggest irritation I've ever experienced. Morality was happily chattering away the entire time and kept telling me how much he loved me and after awhile, I couldn't handle that anymore.

I frowned a bit, knowing that he would surely begin to cry if he could know what my thoughts are at this exact moment and that caused a tense, tightening sensation to erupt in my chest, which was less than desirable feeling. However, I couldn't have held onto my sanity and gone through with this weekend. I knew Patton was an emotional ray of sunshine and while that's one of our core differences that supplies our attraction, it's also the source of greatest tension between him and I; yes, as contradictory as that statement is, it remains valid.

Morality just peered up at me, his eyes still sparkling with joy and wonderment through his glasses, that may as well have a rose tint to them. He was completely lost, the poor sap.

"I have no idea what you're saying, Logan, but it's okay! I don't mind leaving the hotel early. I don't care where we are as long as we're together!" He grinned, practically beaming at me.

"Morality, I believe you've confused what I was saying. You see, we had an extraordinarily, emotionally charged Valentine's Day, what with our disagreement and revealing our relationship to the others and proclaiming our true feelings for one another, so to prolong what was an extremely trying night for me is affecting my ability to perform at optimum 'boyfriend' levels, which isn't fair to either of us. Therefore, it would behoove us to take a small hiatus from one another's company, perhaps for the remainder of this weekend." I had hoped my elaborating would help Morality to see that we shouldn't always be in each other's company. Seeing your partner in excess would surely be detrimental to the growth of any relationship, romantic, platonic or otherwise."

"Ohhhhh! I get it now!" Morality replied, following behind me once I unlocked the door.

"Do you, really?" I questioned as I shredded my trenchcoat and placed it neatly on the hanger in the hallway.

"No, but you sound super cute when you explain things, Logie Bear!" Morality giggled, planting a kiss on my cheek and tossing his umbrella into the hall closet.

I nearly screamed when Roman interrupted our exchange. For once, Roman, thank you.

"Hey, lovebirds, what happened to the honeymoon?"

"Oh, Logan thought it would be more fun if we spent the weekend here, together!" Morality added, wrapping his arms around me in a tight, a much too tight bear hug.

"Oof! Morality, I told you, that isn't exactly--

"So, what are you and Anx up to today? Maybe the four of us can go on a picnic!"

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