Chapter Two: There's Never a Wrong Time to Dress in Drag

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*Princey's POV*

For a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down

"Anxiety, you have a beautiful voice." I told the dark figure as he sang. He offered one of his signature smirks as a reply as he leaned back against my headboard. I nuzzled my head next to his leg as he continued to sing. I smiled into my pillow as I felt his hands begin to comb through my hair. 

The medicine go down
The medicine go down

As I felt myself drifting between sleep and awake, I willed my body to not drift off, to stay conscious so that I may hear Anxiety's wonderful rendition of my favorite song, but I was too far gone. As my body unjustly pulled me to sleep, I could have sworn I felt his lips brush the top of my head-- 

"Chim chim charoo!" 

I jolted awake at the sudden noise, my breathing labored and my forehead sweaty. I looked around to take my surroundings in and I realized it was not sleep I was getting pulled into, it was sleep I was getting awoken from. My tired eyes peered around the room for what pulled me from my peaceful slumber and it was none other than Mary Poppins herself. I searched for the remote and found it in the oddest place: wedged between my torso and the mattress. I groaned as I wiggled the REPLAY button free from where it had been pressed down by my body weight. No wonder the TV didn't just shut off. Once I got the infernal button free, I clicked my television off and ran my fingers through my unkempt hair. I froze, remembering whose lips had just been there hours earlier. I pursed my lips together and allowed my hand to slide over to the other side of my bed, my fingers searching for the dark figure who previously occupied this space. When all I felt was cold fabric, it confirmed what I already knew.

It was only just a dream. 

"Well, that was weird!" I said out loud to myself. Why on earth would I have that kind of a dream about Anxiety? One where he was comforting me? That's literally the opposite of what he does, he said so himself. I shook my head and pushed the covers off my body; I was too sweaty to tolerate being in bed any longer. I wobbled my way towards my bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. Hair: a mess. Face: a mess. Mind: a mess. This simply will not stand! I turned the sink on and splashed some water on my face and for the love of Walt Disney, I could not get those images out of my mind; Anxiety singing, me, cuddled up against him, him smirking at me, his fingers running through my hair, his lips on the top of my head...

No. No. I refuse to think about this any longer. It was a silly dream, I heard him sing yesterday, so clearly that's what I dreamt about. It's not a big deal, it was only just a dream. I looked myself in the mirror again and I could have sworn, in the silence within these cold marble walls, I heard my reflection say, 


I shook my head and splashed some more water on my face, then peered up at the mirror again. 

"Get it together, Princey." I mumbled to myself, before deciding the best plan to slay these strange thoughts would be to shower. Showers make everything better. I turned the water to the hottest setting and shred my pajamas. As I stepped into the cold, porcelain tub, a song popped into my head. Usually, my shower concerts feature a Disney melody, but today, it was different. Once my heart picks a song, I comply. 

I let the hot rain soak my hair as I parted my lips to sing. 

I was thinkin' 'bout you
Thinkin' bout me
Thinkin' 'bout us
What we gon' be
Open my eyes...
It was only just a dream

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