Chapter Sixteen: Black Heart (Part Two)

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*Anxiety's POV*

I am a horrible person. I'm an awful, rotten, horrible person. I destroyed Princey's party, I belittled his ideas and I completely ruined what he spent a full week planning. I can't believe it. Sure, I've wreaked havoc before on the other traits, but this felt different. Princey put his heart into this and I broke it.

I have to fix this...but, how? No ordinary apology would work. I'd have to do something grand. No, he'd see that coming. He's the Prince, grand gestures are right in his wheelhouse. I'll have to catch him off-guard. I'll have to keep up our normal banter and pretend like I don't feel like a royal jerk for what I've done to him. In the meantime--

"Approaching people is hard."

Aaaaand, there's my cue. I slid right into Thomas' video to offer my two cents on his love life. Perfect. A Valentine's Day video. I can express my contempt for this holiday and Princey will never expect a thing.

*Princey's POV*

How could he do this to me?! I ran back into my room and slammed the door shut. All of my hard work. Gone. It was all for him and he's the one who torched it. That was my last chance to try and kiss him. My last chance to find out of that was a dream or not. It was my last chance to see if these feelings actually meant something.

I slid down the door and practically into a puddle on the floor. This was hopeless. I was desperate and pathetic trying to kiss him. What was I thinking? It's not as if any of those stupid games would work. Anxiety would never voluntarily kiss me. Even if he did, why would I want him to? That display that I saw in the living room is the perfect representation of what Anxiety does. He destroys. We could have never worked. We're too different. We're like oil and water, we completely repel each other.

I was wrong before. Anxiety has no heart. He just has a black hole of nothingness. I was so foolish before. What could a relationship with him possibly entail? There would be no romantic walks, no sweet homecooked dinners together, no sweet inside jokes and movie night cuddles. He would be cold and distant, the same way he is now. I don't want that. I don't want someone who is going to destroy me. I don't want poison sucking the life out of me. I want a partner; someone who complements me. Someone to be my other half. I want someone who will build me up not tear me down. Anxiety could never fill the hole I have in my heart; he'd only create a bigger one.

No more playing games. No more schemes. No more crossing my eyes and wishing upon a star for him to even smile at me. I need to move on. I need to forget about Anxiety.

My ears perked up when I heard the familiar sound of Thomas having a dilemma. I stood up and brushed myself off, plastering the biggest phoniest smile on my face that I could. I wouldn't let Anxiety know how he hurt me. I won't give him the satisfaction. I won't give him the satisfaction of hurting Thomas either. This is my job. This is what I'm here for. I'm going to rescue Thomas.

I popped up into the video, avoiding all eye contact with Anxiety and focused solely on the dilemma at hand. Thomas could easily obtain a date for Valentine's Day. He just needed a samurai sword.

*Morality's POV*

Oh boy! A Valentine's Day video! How fun! I feel so much better about appearing in a Sanders Sides video now that Logic and I made up. This would be so much fun! The only thing that would be better is if Logan and I could finally tell everyone we were together. No matter, it was time to help my boy, not myself. I glanced over at Thomas and before I could get a word in, I heard him think, but it was only directed toward me.

Morality, this video isn't meant for me.

What do you mean, kiddo?

We're going to help you know who, he thought, nodding his head toward the stairwell and the TV set.

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