Chapter Twenty-Seven: Choke

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(Trigger Warning: anxiety attacks, yelling, some angst.)

*Princey's POV*

A ray of sunlight penetrated through the sheer, cream colored curtains and landed directly over top of my closed orbs; like a light house, the ray was shining on me, coaxing me to awake from my slumber.

I rolled over onto my back and let out a mighty grunt as I stretched my arms. I fluttered my eyes open and sighed peacefully as I took in this beautiful morning. I had a wonderful eight hours, I collected all the beauty sleep possible, even though I don't really need it.

I always loved waking up to crisp, cool mornings in NYC. The quiet, subdued light of the hotel room was always a beautiful polar opposite to the harsh hustle and bustle of the metropolis below. My favorite morning ritual whenever I was in New York was just to sip coffee and glance out the window, listening to the soft hum of the city; the people, the cars, the myriad of lives and stories crossing paths like a worn out game of word search.

Something about the reflective glass acting as a barrier between the city and I was calming. It brought me a similar comfort to dipping my head back in the bath, allowing the water and bubbles to immerse my ears and muffle any other distractions. I enjoyed being able to block out the world from time to time; it was tranquil, it was peaceful, it was just for me...

Then, I fell in love.

I couldn't help my every thought being about him, I couldn't help my heart skipping a beat whenever he's mentioned.

It now unnerved me to drown out the world, the world he's a part of. I now found myself unable to lean my head back in any bath, for fear of missing a helpless cry uttered by my lover.

I don't mind though, I don't mind not escaping away anymore; the only place I want to escape is anywhere you are, Anxiety. I want to pull the covers over both of us, to protect us both, to forget there's a world beyond our bed. It's you and I, we'll be together behind this window, the world below painfully ignorant to the epic love story unfolding above them. Though you aren't here with me right now, my love, I carry you in my heart. Always.

"Princey?" A voice broke me from my internal love-letter writing session.

"Hm?" I softly hummed and turned my head to see Thomas, feverishly wringing his hands, sleep deprivation apparent in his eyes.

"Are you almost ready to go? I thought maybe we should r-run lines one or two more times before we leave."

I recognized it immediately. Thomas had the same nervous traits as Anxiety. Not sleeping the full eight hours, sweaty palms, stuttering. I have to admit, the stuttering was awfully cute when coming from my dark-clothed companion.

However, when Thomas was stuttering, I knew there was a problem.

"Thomas, relax. You are going to march into that building and knock it out of the park! The director will be so impressed with you, he'll recommend you for a Broadway show where you'll be cast as the hot, lovable, not to mention charming lead, where you'll collect thousands of adoring fans and immediately be offered the part of Disney's next prince!!!! IMAGINE IT, THOMAS!!" I practically screamed.

He looked wide awake now, and also mildly irritated. He just nodded and took a half-step back from me.

"Ya know what? You're right, Princey. I have been practicing my lines all week. I can perform the song in my sleep. There is absolutely nothing to be afraid of!" He declared with gusto.

"Yes, Thomas! That is the right attitude! Now, come on! Let's go land you that part!"


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