Chapter Fourteen: Cupid's Arrow

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*Morality's POV*

How could he not know what Friday was? I spent the better part of the night crying into my Spongebob pillow. At least my linens were understanding. I was so full of tears, I couldn't even sleep last night. Logan and I had been together for ages and he didn't know what my favorite holiday was? He didn't know how much Valentine's Day meant to me? How could he not know? I mention it at least once a day, along with a zinger of a dad joke.

I cracked a small smile at one I had come up with while I was brushing my teeth yesterday, but my smile quickly faded when I remembered I wouldn't have anyone to share it with today. I sniffled and sat up on my bed, pulling my knees to my chest and rubbing my eyes under my glasses. I locked my door so Logan wouldn't try to come in and comfort me. I wanted him to, I wanted his cuddles and his chin kisses and him to ask me about different emotions he felt that day and how to decipher them, but not last night. No, he did a bad thing. A very, very bad thing and he needed to be punished for it. I huffed and grabbed my Winnie the Pooh blanket, securing it around my shoulders and turned my TV on, though it was hardly able to keep me away from my thoughts.

Logan forgot Valentine's Day.

He forgot my favorite holiday.

He forgot something that was important to me.

I remember everything that's important to him. I remember that his favorite number is zero because of its power to increase/decrease any number's value depending on how you add it, I remember he goes swimming when he's stressed because calculating the volume of the pool and observing the density of the water calms him; I even remember, back in August, when he told me that sometimes he feels like a heartless robot for not being able to decode emotions the way I can...that was the first night I kissed him. The memory of his lips touching mine for the first time made me smile, but I quickly shook my head and frowned, trying to make the memory go away. I was supposed to be mad at Logic right now.

Oh, bother! Now, what would I do with his Valentine's day present? I frowned and stood from my bed, walking over toward the closet where I was keeping his gift. I pushed my cardigans aside and cast my eyes downwards at the baby blue treasure chest that said "Logan" on it. I kept all of our keep-sakes in here. I sat criss-cross applesauce on the floor of my closet and began to go through it. I giggled softly at the little treasures I came across: movie ticket stubs from when we went to go see Big Hero 6 together, his first calculator that he gave me for my birthday, pictures of us that have me smiling and Logan fixing his necktie mostly, my little calendar I made with each day being about Logan.

Monday, September 17th - Day 46 of loving Logan,
Thursday, October 4th - Day 1 of missing Logan bunches because he's away on business

I smiled and then quickly remembered we were fighting, so I added in today's date.

Wednesday, February 12th - Day 1 of being mad at Logan... also, day 171 of loving him

I pouted and put the calendar down, even when I'm mad at him, I can't help loving him. I carefully lifted his present out of the box and flicked the blue ribbon I had placed on top of it. Even though he forgot Valentine's day, he's still my Valentine, and he still deserves his present... but, it's the last one he'll ever get from me. 

*Logic's POV*

I had no idea what had Morality so upset. It's not like him to just run off like that. I sensed he was upset, but I had already tried to get him to talk to me and he wouldn't, so, as Einstein said, repeating the same action and expecting different results was the definition of insanity, and I clearly wasn't insane. 

I decided to allow Morality some time to himself to cope, so I decided to work on a new efficiency plan in the living room which was being voted on soon; there was a high probability of it passing since I'm the only one who ever contributes to Thomas' planning. 

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