Chapter Twenty-Five: Identity Crisis

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*Thomas' POV*

I happily sauntered over to my camera set-up, doing a little shimmy as I clicked my camera on. I was really excited for today's video and the idea I had just seemed so fun and innovative. I can't believe people haven't done it before. 

I made sure the whiteboard and red marker were nearby for when I was ready to film. This actually should be a pretty fun and easy video. Just film the intro, do the illustration and record a voice-over. Easy peasy. 

I smiled at the camera and delivered my opening joke, inspired by my viewing of Ratatouille last night. I wonder if actually having a rodent control your movements would make life easier or harder? 

Once I got the beginning sequence out of the way, I began to explain my new idea. I wonder if Sketch-My-Autobiography would catch on? Maybe it would inspire artists to actually do biographies of people through drawing? That would be something, wouldn't it? 

"I'm calling it, Sketch My Autobiography." I told the viewers, with another little shoulder shimmy. My second one before noon. I'm feeling pretty good today. 

Aaaand, enter the dragon. 

"Please tell me you're joking." Anxiety said. 

Great. Princey gives me a great, innovative idea and Anxiety shows up to shut it down. What a wonderful cycle we're all taking part in. I was not about to put up with him today. 

"Ugh, what Anxiety? What do have to say now?" 

Anxiety shocked me, by actually having a valid point. The idea has already been invented, it was a Draw My Life. I mean, that's not so bad, I've had ideas that I thought were new and different that turned out to be already in practice. I mean, it's not a new idea, but it could still be fun. 

"Boring." He taunted. What's boring about my life? I have a story to tell and Anxiety is antagonizing my entire video. If I can't do a draw my life, what should I do then? I'm drawing a blank here. 

"Do you really wanna do something that's been done before? Do you think that's what they wanna see?" He asked. 

"Why are you being like this? You were so chill the last couple of videos?" What is with him? Are he and Princey fighting again? I thought we resolved that. Ugh. I mean... he did have a point. I don't want to show my audience something old and overused. I want to deliver fresh, exciting content that's unique to my channel. That was my only idea I had for this week. How am I supposed to completely reroute my video and film something entertaining and get it up on time? 

"Oh, what am I gonna do now?" I groaned. 

"One option - and I'm just throwin' this out there, is to... hide under the covers until the sun goes away." 

*Princey's POV*

"Not so fast, my chemically imbalanced romance!" I declared. I heard Thomas and Anxiety having it out over the video idea I suggested. You may have ruined dinner, Anxiety, but you will not ruin Thomas' video, I will not have it! I will protect him! 

Thomas greeted me with an adoring cheer and Anxiety with a horribly childish insult. That's all you can do, babe? Ugh, I have so much to teach you about being creative, but now is not the time. 

"So Negative Nancy over here struck down the idea I gave you, is that correct?" I thought for sure my idea was gold. Telling your life story through markers and whiteboards, that's fun! That's entertaining, I'm sure his followers would love to see Thomas relay his life's journey up till now in that fashion. 

"Chalk one up for me." Anxiety mocked in his best smug voice. Oh, I will not deal with his Jason Dean-esque tantrum right now. Perhaps it was my anger at him ignoring the dinner I made, or perhaps it was the Parks and Rec marathon I had last night, in my room alone, but I threw out a dun-zo list zinger at him. Now was not the time for Anxiety's taunts, now was the time to help Thomas think of a new video idea and quickly! His happiness is my mission, as I told him. 

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