Chapter Six: Green-Eyed Princey

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*Princey's POV*

You can do this. You're the Prince. You're the best. You are a Disney child. This is your chance to shine!

I had been rehearsing Thomas' lines for "Bizaardvark" in the mirror for hours! It was going extremely well; I felt my confidence returning and my ego was as large as ever! I smirked to myself in the mirror as I adjusted my hair somewhat and smiled at my newfound peace. Morality really had helped to boost my spirits up. I knew there was no sense in fretting about a silly little dream that didn't even mean anything. I was just overthinking and worrying myself sick over some scenario I had created in my head. Anxiety was the furthest thing from my mind right now and I felt amazing!

I looked in the mirror again, testing different voice inflections for Thomas' character, deciding which one would be best to use. After a failed British experiment, I decided it was time to take a break; you really shouldn't sound too rehearsed after all. Plus, my royal tummy was begging me for some ice cream. After all, I ate clean all this week, so I deserved a little cheat.

I exited my room while humming a tune from "Tangled" and began making my way to the kitchen. That drumstick would soon be MINE. Oh, the chocolatey goodness that awaited me! I searched through the freezer and happily pulled out one delicious looking ice cream cone. I liberated it from its paper prison and hummed happily as I began to eat it. I was on my way back to my room to continue practicing when I heard a strange sound.

I turned around in the direction it came from; if I was quiet, I would be able to hear it again. Unless it was a ghost... oh, please don't be a ghost. Ghosts always attack the pretty people first! Everyone knows that! After a few moments, I heard the sound again. Strange. It almost...sounded like...

Laughter. Yes, definitely laughter, but it couldn't be. It was coming from

... Logic's room??? What on earth? Does Logic even know how to laugh? I had thought perhaps Morality had gone to his room? No, he was in his room journaling like a ninny when I left. Besides, it doesn't sound like Morality. The voice sounds deeper. My curiosity took over as I silently inched my way closer towards Logic's door. I heard tapping. What could that be?

I carefully pressed my ear against the door, listening intently to see if I could decipher whomever's voices those were and what that sound was.

Tapping. Cards. They were shuffling cards. Whatever for? They couldn't possibly be playing cards, where they?

"Do you hold any Ace cards?"

That was definitely Logic; I could practically hear him pushing his glasses up on his nose.

"Not exactly how most people say it, but, Nope! Sorry, teach, go fish." No. That wasn't... was it? No, it couldn't be.

"You know, there's an interesting fact I learned; the origin of how the creators of this game chose the name "Go Fish" is actually an interesting anecdote. The--

"Logic, I swear, I will hit you over the head with the Jenga blocks if you tell me anymore stupid card facts."


That is definitely his voice. What was Anxiety doing in Logic's room? Playing cards? They never hang out, at least, they haven't ever before. Anxiety hates games. Why was he playing them? With him? Logic and Anxiety hate each other. Anxiety hates everyone. Why are they laughing so much??

I huffed silently. Logic isn't the type to play games. Why would he and Anxiety be hanging out in his room? With the door closed? That's usually what he and Morality do. I furrowed my eyebrows at the door when I heard another laugh. Soft and sort of contained. Definitely Anxiety. Three times now I've heard him laugh in the span of two minutes. That's more than I heard him laugh in the entire year of 2014. What was Logic saying that was making him laugh so freaking hard?

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