Chapter Seven: A Separate Duet

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~~ One week later ~~

*Thomas' POV*

I was so tired of the different aspects of my personality fighting all the time; it was exhausting always battling my fanciful thoughts and my anxious ones. It almost seemed like Princey and Anxiety were fist-fighting up in my head, it was giving me a serious headache.  Morality and Logic had been fighting a lot too lately, but I had a different way to deal with them. I know they're never going to be best friends, but this was way too extreme. Enough was enough.

"Guys! I need you!" I called out, hoping to summon all of my traits at once. 

Nothing. I sighed.

"Princey! Anxiety!"

Still nothing. This is already going to be a long day.

"Prince Charming! Darth Vader! I need you!"

When I heard the familiar wooshing that signaled one of my sides had popped up, I knew it worked. 

"Thomas, while I appreciate the nickname, I do think you'd have some copyright issues if we made that a regular thing."

"Spell 'copyright'." Anxiety huffed. 

Princey turned to him with a mighty glare. 

"You know what--

"No. No, no, no. No fighting. This is exactly what I called you guys here to work on."

"Our fighting skills? Thomas, I am already well equipped at dueling."

"He means our verbal fighting, moron." Anxiety shrugged his black hoodie up onto his shoulders and didn't even meet Princey's eyes. Whatever the issue was, it had gone far enough. 

"Okay, listen, guys, I don't know what is happening up in my head right now, but it's not good. You two have been conflicting so much, it's hard for me to even think."

"Well, that's clearly Anxiety's fault. That's pretty much his job description." Princey huffed, crossing his arms over his chest and glaring at the ground. 

"Um, you couldn't be more wrong, Prince Pompous. My job is to make Thomas think he's doing everything wrong. Which, you are, by the way." Anxiety added. 

I sighed. "Guys, this is exactly it. There's such hostility in my head, it's not healthy. You two have been going at it non-stop for the past week. Something is going on with you two and it needs to stop."

"Nothing's going on between us!" They protested in unison, still not meeting each other's eyes. 

I ran my hand down my face. I was so tired, tired of them fighting. I had been up all night trying to brainstorm ideas for how they could resolve their problems, which is difficult when your creative side is spending all of his time grumbling angrily. The usual bags under my eyes weren't from anxiety either, they were from frustration and exhaustion. 

"Look, nothing's wrong, Thomas. We fight like this all the time, so if you think you can pull out a little couch and play Doctor while we talk out our problems, think again." Anxiety growled. 

"I'm not."

"Wha?" They both looked at me, completely confused.

"I'm not going to help you solve this problem. That wouldn't help. Clearly, whatever is going on is something you two aren't comfortable discussing; I have no interest in embarrassing you two or making you vocalize something you don't want to talk about, so, in the interest of both your guys' dignity, I won't be the one mediating this dispute." 

"What do you mean? Who will be settling this for us, then?" Princey asked me, looking dumbfounded. 

"A friend." I said, which was all I said before snapping my fingers and sending them on their merry way. I really hoped they were able to work out whatever it was that was irritating them so much. I hate to see my personality traits in disarray. 

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